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Hi Pete,

when you get back I would like to discuss something with you... you can start by opening the file g2d.dll in the root folder of FSX. Search the string HIGHMEMFIX and look around the variables... I have my own theory, I have tried to contact some people at microsoft without success, so I was thinking that maybe because I don't have an NDA with them they simply ignore me..

In case you are wondering, HIGHMEMFIX=1 prevents (100% of the time) texture corruption/dissapearing in FSX in cases where there is high video memory utilization. I'm sure you are probably the person with the most intimate knowledge of FSX internals, so I was hoping you would at least have a clue of what MS meant or 'what' they were trying to FIX... I'm leaning towards a backward compatiblity/texture addressing modes issue in WDDM, but, thats just a theory.. any help would be appreciated ;) specially, trying to speak to someone at Redmond.

Have a good one.

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when you get back I would like to discuss something with you... you can start by opening the file g2d.dll in the root folder of FSX. Search the string HIGHMEMFIX and look around the variables... I have my own theory, I have tried to contact some people at microsoft without success, so I was thinking that maybe because I don't have an NDA with them they simply ignore me..

I doubt itthey may simply be still miffed at Microsoft's actions! ;-)

I've been following all of your experiments and conclusions and find them very interesting. Thank you! I noticed today that even Mathijs Kok begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting of Aerosoft has endorsed your work! That is any achievement! ;-)

In case you are wondering, HIGHMEMFIX=1 prevents (100% of the time) texture corruption/dissapearing in FSX in cases where there is high video memory utilization. I'm sure you are probably the person with the most intimate knowledge of FSX internals, so I was hoping you would at least have a clue of what MS meant or 'what' they were trying to FIX.

Unfortunately I've no inside or intimate knowledge of any of the graphic components of FS. Like multiplayer, it is an area I've never delved into. The only places I used to know a reasonable amount about, of the innards, were the simulation engine itself (SIM1), the weather (Weather.dll) and the controls mechanism, working through CONTROLS.dll and PANELS.dll. And even that knowledge is limited to FS9 and before, as for FSX I took full advantage of SimConnect to save the many 1,000's or hours I spent hacking into things on each previous Release of FS.

Best Regards


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