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Let us say that I want the button under my thumb on the Saitek yoke to do several things. For instance, during Takeoff, I want it to serve as the TOGA switch. But in the air, I want it to toggle something else, like maybe map it to Ezdok, or TrackIR. How do I go about doing this?

The Saitek Yoke has a roller switch for the right index finger called the "mode"; It has three discreet positions, and when you change them, the LCD on the front of the yoke says, not surprisingly (Mode 1, 2, or 3). Is there any way to utilize this to accomplish the task I explained above, or is there another way to go about it?

Let us say that I want the button under my thumb on the Saitek yoke to do several things. For instance, during Takeoff, I want it to serve as the TOGA switch. But in the air, I want it to toggle something else, like maybe map it to Ezdok, or TrackIR. How do I go about doing this?

You'd need to do one of two things: either edit the FSUIPC INI file and make the button actions conditional on FSUIPC offset values (such as, in this case. the "on the ground" flag), or write a Lua plug in to do a similar job.

FSUIPC INI file formats for Button assignments, including examples of conditionals and FSUIPC offset references, are given in the Advanced User's document, and you'll also need to download the FSUIPC SDK to get the list of offsets. The Lua facilities are described in documents you should have already, but the Lua language is descrbed on the Lua website, unless you buy the book.

The Saitek Yoke has a roller switch for the right index finger called the "mode"; It has three discreet positions, and when you change them, the LCD on the front of the yoke says, not surprisingly (Mode 1, 2, or 3). Is there any way to utilize this to accomplish the task I explained above ...

Sorry, I don't know. I am still waiting for the Saitek yoke and quadrant they promised me many months ago!



The Saitek Yoke has a roller switch for the right index finger called the "mode"; It has three discreet positions, and when you change them, the LCD on the front of the yoke says, not surprisingly (Mode 1, 2, or 3). Is there any way to utilize this to accomplish the task I explained above ...

Here's an example for the X52 so called "pinky switch" - this one at your little finger:

12=CP(-A,5)A,4,C66153,0 ;next sub View

13=CP(+A,5)A,4,C66154,0 ;prev sub view

A,5 is the pinky switch (Button 5 from Joystick "A")

A,4 is an other Button.

The code means, Button 5 NOT pressed ("-"), AND Button 4 pressed does next sub view

And Button 5 pressed ("+") AND Button 4 pressed previous sub view.

theoretically could you do this with the "mode" selctor also.

But could you imagine what hard coding work in the *.ini that would be???!!!

I have asked Pete years ago if he could implement such a feature in the FSUIPC menu, that some actions work only if you press a button AND an other button... but he refused :wink:


I have asked Pete years ago if he could implement such a feature in the FSUIPC menu, that some actions work only if you press a button AND an other button... but he refused :wink:

I only refused to make the dialogues any more complicated than they are. There are enough folks who get confused as it is. The numbers who want to do complex conditional methods simply doesn't justify making it more difficult for others. Maybe if I were an expert in designing good user interfaces it would be a different story. But i am most certainly not.

It can all be done with lines in the INI file, and I think that is sufficient. I've always been of the opinion that it should always be easy to do easy things, and it doesn't then matter so much if it is a bit harder to do harder things. After all the user has to understand more of what he is setting out to do in any case.



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