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radar contact display window closing

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Just started using Radar Contact with Client. All seemed to be OK but the RC window disappeared. WideFS was still showing connected.

FSUIPC settings for window set "display multi line" and "disable single line". Pilot voice and ATC messages in FSX unchecked, but still getting single line messages.

Two issues here, one being the diappearing window and the continued display of the single line messages.

I did search here but did not find anything similar. I was hoping this issue had appeared previously in the forum, which would certainly be a blessing.

One question on a side note. Can multiple independent products share WideFS i.e. Radar Contact and Moving Map and others simultaneously?



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Just started using Radar Contact with Client. All seemed to be OK but the RC window disappeared. WideFS was still showing connected.

The RC menu display window on FS is not dependent on a WideFS connection in any case, once it has been created. RC does not put a time limit on that display, but there are hot keys you can use to hide or show it.

FSUIPC settings for window set "display multi line" and "disable single line". Pilot voice and ATC messages in FSX unchecked, but still getting single line messages.

FSUIPC4 cannot stop FS's own messages, or those sent by other programs via SimConnect, only those sent to it through FSUIPC.

Two issues here, one being the diappearing window and the continued display of the single line messages.

Sorry, I can't help with the former -- and the latter is probably normal depending on what messages you are talking about. For RC's menu you'd be best off asking in the RC forum.

One question on a side note. Can multiple independent products share WideFS i.e. Radar Contact and Moving Map and others simultaneously?

Of course.


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