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Autopilot Toggle

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I've just been using FSUIPC4 to set up FSX for my CH FlightSim Yoke and Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals.

Everything worked as advertised with one exception: I cannot find a way of setting the autopilot to toggle on/off using Button 1 on the CH Yoke. I can toggle the A/P with the 'Z' key or the 'AP' button on the instrument panel but not with the CH Yoke.

In FSUIPC, I select 'Buttons + Switches', press the 'Btn# 1' and click on 'Select for FS Control', then choose 'Autopilot On' from the 'Control sent when button pressed' dialogue. I've even tried various combinations of 'Control to repeat when held' and 'Control sent when button released' and tried inserting 'C1005' in 'Parameter' - but to no avail... Button 1 will only turn the A/P On, not Off.

I've searched through the User Guide and the Advanced Users PDFs but cannot find the answer. I've even tried editing FSUIPC.INI with, again, no success.

Any clues would be welcome!



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For some reason you posted in the User Contributions subforum rather than here in the Support Forum, so you are lucky i spotted it. I've moved it for you.

In FSUIPC, I select 'Buttons + Switches', press the 'Btn# 1' and click on 'Select for FS Control', then choose 'Autopilot On' from the 'Control sent when button pressed' dialogue. I've even tried various combinations of 'Control to repeat when held' and 'Control sent when button released' and tried inserting 'C1005' in 'Parameter' - but to no avail... Button 1 will only turn the A/P On, not Off.

If you insist on assigning to "Autopilot On", then of course it will only turn the Autopilot On. It would be silly otherwise, don't you think?

I've searched through the User Guide and the Advanced Users PDFs but cannot find the answer. I've even tried editing FSUIPC.INI with, again, no success.

Not sure wehy any of those methods would be expected to tell you about specific FS controls. You simply want the same control as normally assigned to 'Z', which is 'AP MASTER'. You'll find a complete list of controls in your FSUIPC Documents folder, and you can always find out what FS controls are instigated by keypresses or mouse clicks by enabling FSUIPC's Event logging, using the key or switch, and checking the log. You'll get an entry like this when pressing 'Z':

*** EVENT: Cntrl= 65580 (0x0001002c), Param= 0 (0x00000000) AP_MASTER



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Hello Peter,

<Grovel Mode: ON>

I must apologise for posting my query on the wrong forum - I was at my wits' end with the problem and rushed for time. Yes, of course, 'Autopilot On' will only turn it On & not Off - but those were the only 'Autopilot' commands I could find under 'Control sent when button pressed'. I didn't think to look under 'Ap', assuming that 'Autopilot On' & 'Autopilot Off' were the only autopilot controls available. ( I also now assume that controls beginning with 'AP' (as opposed to 'Ap') refer to AirPorts. Is this correct?

<Grovel Mode: OFF>

However, Peter, I must congratulate you on an amazing piece of programming in the shape of FSUIPC. But please remember that not all of your satisfied customers are as programming-savvy as your good self! I have just turned 80, and therefore my total cerebral agility is not what it used to be (if it ever was...).

Thanks for your help!

Kind regards,


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I also now assume that controls beginning with 'AP' (as opposed to 'Ap') refer to AirPorts. Is this correct?

I don't think so. I don't know of any 'airport' controls. They are likely all autopilot related.

The names of FS controls used in FSUIPC are obtained at run time from FS's own table of controls in its "CONTROLS.DLL" module, and are the same as it uses internally and in its CFG and XML files. If they seem illogical or inconsistent, which they often do, you need to lay that at Microsoft's door. ;-)



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