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Copy a Aircraft Specific to another version of the aircraft ?

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Hi, I have a question, is it possible to copy a complete Aircraft specific configuration to anoter version of the same aircraft ( different texture ) ?

Here what I have done, I have set up my complete setup for the NGX 737-800 winglet house ( axes, buttons etc...) . Since I fly with different texture of the aircraft I want to copy the entire Aircraft specific to another version of the aircraft. I have created a new Aircraft specific for the new version, just added a button so that FSUIPC create an entry in FSUIPC4.ini. I have then edited the ini file by copy/paste all the lines of one Aircraft specific to the other Aircraft specific ( it may not be clear to understand lol )

My problem is that in the new version some parts doesn't work, for example the axis of the throttle are wrong.

So is it possible to do this, and sould it work ?

I can't use the Profile option, because in one of the LUA script I use for the goflight MCP Pro, it is indicated in the installation requirement that we must not activate this feature.


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Hi, I have a question, is it possible to copy a complete Aircraft specific configuration to anoter version of the same aircraft ( different texture ) ?

Easier simply to set "ShortAircraft NameOk=substring" in the [General] section of the INI file, then change the name of the aircraft, where it appears in the settings titles (like [buttons.<name>], [Axes.<name>] etc, to a short form which idntifies the whole group of aircraft -- such as "737" or "PMDG 737" or whatever.

These days FSUIPC defaults to using Profiles, and you can change over to using those,, but best first to change those names.

I can't use the Profile option, because in one of the LUA script I use for the goflight MCP Pro, it is indicated in the installation requirement that we must not activate this feature.

What? Why? Using Profiles cannot possibly affect whether a Lua plug-in works or not! Please do give me more details because I need to chase up such bad advice.



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