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I'm reading the metar message sent by FSUIPC (B800 offset). Such as:

GLOB&A0 121207Z 15700KT&D63273NG 3219&B-1500&D2134 3CU016&CU005FLVN000L 6CU081&CU002FLVN000L 06/00 Q0990

I can recognize some metar part but I don't understand some part.

Do you have a documentation to understand what mean :

- &A0

- &D63273NG 3219

- &B-1500

- &D2134

Best regards


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I can recognize some metar part but I don't understand some part.

The format is an "extended" one devised by Microsoft and documented in the SimConnect SDK. That's what you need to refer to in order to fully decode it.

Annoyingly the Write format isn't identical to the Read format, either. I think two different people wrote the two parts of the code!



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