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Prepar3d running under WIndows 7

I purchased FSUIPC + WideFS (simmarket)

I downloaded the products

I ran the FSUIPC installer

Installer could not find fsx installation (there isn't one to find)

I hit cancel to accept no FSX exists and okay to accepot the above fact

The installer continues...

Registration window for FSUIPC4 pops up

I enter reg details for both FSUIPC and wideFS ("just enter new registrations")

I run Prepar3d

I look under menu = Addons / FSUIPC = status not registered

I look in the Prepar3d modules folder and find no FSUIPC key file

I repeat the above steps many times including

I post this message in desperation


gk :)

p.s. "check existing registration/s" result = registration cancelled or doesn't check correctly"



Observing that the FSUIPC installer identified a Microsoft Flight SImulator 10 installation in the windows registry (despite never having ever installed the software), I opened up regedit, navigated to the entry and deleted it.

Subsequently, the installation ran perfectly and the FSUIPC4.key was created in my Prepar3d modules folder as expected.

I did previously install a FSX payware flight model that was used only for Prepar3d and it obviously created the registry fsx entry that brought everything undone... FSX has never been installed on the target machine - only Prepar3d. (BTW FSUIPC was looking for FSX in a folder called "my programs" created by the payware installation.

Perhaps a warning to anyone installing FSUIPC4 to Prepar3d after having installed / downloaded any payware flight models.



Installer could not find fsx installation (there isn't one to find)

I hit cancel to accept no FSX exists and okay to accepot the above fact

Please state the version number of the FSUIPC you are attempting to install, This was an earlier problem when P3D was first added. It doesn't occur here with any recent version, unless you used to have FSX and when you removed it you did not clear the Registry of its remnants. In the latter case the installer would still detect an fSX presence and want to install to it.

And please paste in the Install log. The reason one is produced is to help resolve such problems.

btw when entering my registration details using the installer, it is accepted (just not written to a file anywhere)

Hmm. Very strange.

Ah ... just saw your later message:


Observing that the FSUIPC installer identified a Microsoft Flight SImulator 10 installation in the windows registry (despite never having ever installed the software), I opened up regedit, navigated to the entry and deleted it.

Subsequently, the installation ran perfectly and the FSUIPC4.key was created in my Prepar3d modules folder as expected.

Ah, that would explain it, though the KEY file should have been written in any case. Normally with both an FSX and P3D installation it creates the Log and Key files in one installation and simply copies them to the other -- it's more efficient than writing two identical files separately. I obviousy need to deal especially with the case where one installation is cancelled before completion.

Perhaps a warning to anyone installing FSUIPC4 to Prepar3d after having installed / downloaded any payware flight models.

No, I'll simply change the Installer as above instead. Thanks for the report.



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