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Custom key events linked to hardware

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I dont have a registered FSUIPC...dont really have a need for it since i know how to use Simconnect as a C++ programmer....

Anyways Im trying to help a tester at Milviz get his hardware to work with a project-in-dev. I have used custom key events throughout this project (the 0x11000 type). I went through the FSUIPC documentation but im a bit at a loss as to how macros are created to work with custom key events. Anyone here who can share?



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I went through the FSUIPC documentation but im a bit at a loss as to how macros are created to work with custom key events. Anyone here who can share?

Not sure why you need macros just because their custom key events. Are you sure your 'tester' is using an up to date FSUIPC and that you also are referring to recent documentation?

Custom events declared via SimConnect are NAMED, not numbered, and you tell FSUIPC about them by listing their names in an .evt file.-- see the section "Add-on Custom events" in the Advanced User's manual.

If, instead, by "custom key events" you do not mean those named via SimConnect, but FS key events using WM_COMMAND numbers outside the normal range (much like PMDG have done with their 737NGX), then these have been assignable directly in the Assignments dialogues since version 4.85. Search on "custom control" in the User Guide.



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Ok looks like its the latter that the user is needing. However a small descrepancy in the user guide. All FSX key events (eg KEY_TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1 or (>K:TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1) as it is done in XML gauges) have an associated hex ID number defined in the Gauges.h file starting at 0x10000 or as the user guide correctly states, 65536. The 3rd party Custom event point starts at 0x11000 and ends at 0x1FFFF or 131070 as the guide again correctly states. However the hex notation in the guide seems a little off.

Custom controls, without a name known to FSUIPC, can be assigned by selecting <custom control> from the drop-down list, and then entering its number in decimal (range 65536 to 131070 inclusive) or, if you wish, in hexadecimal preceded by an x (range x1000 to x1FFE)

Is there a reason for the out of range when in the Gauges.h it starts at x10000 and ends at x1FFFF?

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Ok looks like its the latter that the user is needing. However a small descrepancy in the user guide. All FSX key events (eg KEY_TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1 or (>K:TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1) as it is done in XML gauges) have an associated hex ID number defined in the Gauges.h file starting at 0x10000 or as the user guide correctly states, 65536. The 3rd party Custom event point starts at 0x11000 and ends at 0x1FFFF or 131070 as the guide again correctly states. However the hex notation in the guide seems a little off.

Is there a reason for the out of range when in the Gauges.h it starts at x10000 and ends at x1FFFF?

Sorry, can you be more explicit, pleas. i don't understand what you meran by "hex notation" being a "little off"?


Oh I see. Typo. It says x1000 and x1FFE and it should say x10000 and x1FFFE. (The last one, x1FFFF is reserved for internal use). Fixed for next release, in a month or two.


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