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Mr. Dowson your help, please

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Hello Mr Dowson,

Please refer to the link below from the Radar Contact Forum to give you some background.

Which of the solutions do you think I should approach? Please the simplest because I can be very dumb at these things...

Any help would be much appreciated.



Roy DeForrest

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Please refer to the link below from the Radar Contact Forum to give you some background.

I'd really prefer that you state your questions here if you want answers. It is almost a full time job doing this support as it is without needing to refer to other threads in other forums.

Which of the solutions do you think I should approach?

If you are asking simply about assigning keystrokes to buttons then a registered copy of FSUIPC can do this very easily. Please do refer to the User Guide. If you don't want to use WideFS as you say, your buttons need to be seen as hardware buttons, because a touch screen will take focus off FS if it is on the same PC, as you seem to imply. How are you using the touchscreen in any case on the same PC?


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