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Best way to detect FS CTD?


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Hi Even,


The only way to know this is to catch the errors produced when the FSUIPC Process() call fails.


If you are using my DLL the sample program that comes with it shows how to do this.  Look at the code on the tick event for Timer1.  You'll see a try/catch block where it catches the FSUIPCException from the Process() call which means FSX/9 has unloaded or crashed.  It then closes the connection, tells the user, and lights a button so the user can try reconnecting.



If you're not using my DLL then it will depend on the programming language you are using.  You would also be in the wrong sub-forum :-) so I recommend you post again in the main support forum (above this one) and include the language you are using.



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I am unable to detect a crash and my app continues to run normally on the client pc when the fsx server disconnects and I am connecting via WideClient. Obviously I don't get any new data just the same data from the last read each time my timer ticks.

Even when WideClient eventually times out and gives the 'waiting for a connection' message my app still continues to read the offsets as though the connection is still there.

Any ideas how to trap this please? I've had a quick read of the WideClient manual but can't seem to locate a relevent parameter.




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I am unable to detect a crash and my app continues to run normally on the client pc when the fsx server disconnects and I am connecting via WideClient. Obviously I don't get any new data just the same data from the last read each time my timer ticks.

Even when WideClient eventually times out and gives the 'waiting for a connection' message my app still continues to read the offsets as though the connection is still there.

Any ideas how to trap this please? I've had a quick read of the WideClient manual but can't seem to locate a relevent parameter.


Unfortunately, WideClient doesn't really know that FSX has crashed. It will be constantly trying to reconnect.


There are ways you can detect the disconnection.  First there's offset 333C. Bit 1 there should get reset to 0 on a disconnection. But in case it is a temporary interruption, best to check that it stays that way a while. Second, there's the FSUIPC activity counter at offset 337E. Just check that this changes within reasonable times.


You could also check things like the elapsed time offset, to see that changing, but the above two should be okay.




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Thanks Pete, I've used the 333C offset and works fine.


Code below for anyone interested (vb.net) though you'll need to modify for own use

    Private Shared fsWideFSRunning As Offset(Of UShort) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of UShort)("widefs", &H333C)
    Public Shared WideFSRunning As Boolean 

    Public Shared Sub getfsWideFSRunning()

        WideFSRunning = fsWideFSRunning.Value

    End Sub

then check like this - I have this code at the start of my timer section


        If SimulatorEvents.WideFSRunning = False Then
            Me.Timer_Seconds.Enabled = False 'pause polling'
            Dim msg = MessageBox.Show("The connection to Flight Sim has been lost, retry connection?", "WideFS connection lost", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
            If msg = DialogResult.Yes Then
                Me.Timer_Seconds.Enabled = True
                Exit Sub 'exit sub and retry on next poll count'
                Dim msg2 = MessageBox.Show("Abandon retry?", "Restart Application?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
                If msg2 = DialogResult.Yes Then
                    'stop main timer and reset app'
                    Me.Timer_Seconds.Enabled = False
                    Exit Sub
                Else 'no'
                    Me.Timer_Seconds.Enabled = True
                    Exit Sub 'exit sub and retry on next poll count'
                End If
            End If
        End If
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