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How to run again a Lua Script called in IPCready.lua

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Hi everybody


i have a script managing a Pokey56u01 card

this script is ran by the ipcready.lua

how i can run it again without restarting p3d (for example if i make a modification inside)


i search in the advanced manuel of Pete about LUA command and automation page 41, but i don't see something helping me


if you have a solution, an idea or trick to give me, you will be welcome



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You can assign a button or switch to run or re-run a lua script. If you look at the FSUIPC4  Buttons + Switches tab

and the drop-down menu for 'FSX command to send' or something like that, there will be entries

for each lua script and the various options...run, kill, etc. The menu entries are listed alphabetically so

scroll down to the 'l's :)



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