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Online AI Traffic information


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Hi all,

I'm trying to read the surrounding IVAO online traffic as AI traffic. Works fine for airborne airplanes (AITrafficServices.AirbourneTraffic). Can't get the ground traffic, neither with AITrafficInformation.GroundTraffic nor with AITrafficInformation.AllTraffic.


Any help would be very appreciated.



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Hi Ruediger,


Have you tried checking the FSUIPC AI tables using TrafficLook.exe? If not that's the first step and you can download it here:




If the IVAO ground planes appear in there then there maybe a problem with my DLL or how you are using it. In this case can you try with the normal flight sim traffic and see if that works for you?


If they do not appear in TrafficLook.exe then they are not being injected into FSUIPC at all. In that case I can't help as I don't know anything about IVAO. You may want to look at the IVAO documentation, contact their support, or post again in the main FSUIPC support forum where more people will see it. 



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Hi Paul,

thanks for your swift reply. I checked it as proposed with the TrafficLook.exe. Same issues as with the DLL. The magic think is, that the IVAO online traffic is shown in the FS itself. I thought all IVAO traffic is handeled as AI traffic in the usual way. But somtimes things are more complicated than they seem at the first sight.



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