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Tracon 2012 and Tower 2011 what's the difference


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Hello simmers , I saw tracon 2011 and tower 2012 on Gamersgate recently.   Other than ATCSimulator products I did not know other ATC programs existed.   I think I am more interest in Tower 2011 as I'm looking for a single player game and although I enjoy the tracon management Tower 2011 looks visually appealing and based off what I can see also contain some tracon management?   I'm only interested in single play but really can't understand the difference between the two products.   Can someone point to some resources or provide some guidance on this please?   Thank you.

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Tower! 2011 is controlling the airplanes around the airport and on the ground. You will see planes taxi, landing and take off. With Tracon you will need to guide the planes to land and guide them away from the airport. You will see a radar screen only.

Both can be played alone. IF you like to see the actual airplane movement I recommend Tower but if you are looking into the intense "radar work" by sequencing planes I recommend Tracon.

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