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E-Jets v2 EMB 195 over gross weight problem


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Hello all,


Ever since I installed FSX acceleration, then the E-Jets V2, when flying the 195, FSX always seems to think it is over gross weight (see attached screenshot) whenever the aircraft is loaded up with 100% fuel and default payload (didn't change any settings in EMB control panel application). I tried reinstalling the E-Jets V2 package, with no success. This didn't happen before I installed Acceleration.


I was wondering if anyone might have a solution for this problem?


My specs/software are:


2.6ghz MacBook Pro w/Retina Display with 16gb ram and 1tb SSD

FSX + Acceleration + SDK

E-Jets V2


Aerosoft Airbus X Extended

RAAS Pro (locked version that came with Airbus X Extended)


FSUIPC (unregistered)


Otherwise, this is a pretty much fresh FSX install, no tweaks.



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The answer is that you have either too much load on board to carry that much fuel, or too much fuel on board for that load.


It's always a balance with aircraft, because their MAUW (maximum all up weight) is almost always too low to allow them to fill the tanks, fill the seats and go - it doesn't matter if you're in a four seat GA or an 800 seat megaliner. Unfortunately, FSX will only ever fill the tanks unless you set up a custom start flight with less than 100% fuel and most developers fill the seats on an aircraft, so you are flying with maximum zero fuel weight (ZFW).


It won't be solved by reinstalling - you'll need to either reduce the load or reduce the fuel on board before you can fly.




Ian P.

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The answer is that you have either too much load on board to carry that much fuel, or too much fuel on board for that load.

It's always a balance with aircraft, because their MAUW (maximum all up weight) is almost always too low to allow them to fill the tanks, fill the seats and go - it doesn't matter if you're in a four seat GA or an 800 seat megaliner. Unfortunately, FSX will only ever fill the tanks unless you set up a custom start flight with less than 100% fuel and most developers fill the seats on an aircraft, so you are flying with maximum zero fuel weight (ZFW).

It won't be solved by reinstalling - you'll need to either reduce the load or reduce the fuel on board before you can fly.


Ian P.

So, I guess my question is two-fold:

(1) why does this only start happening when acceleration is installed.

And (2) if these aircraft are always unable to carry 100% fuel and an almost full load of passengers/cargo, why doesn't this occur on the feelthere 175, or the feelthere ERJ's?

Edited by fslightbord
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Simple answer to those is I cannot comment because I don't know, but I do use both the ERJs and the E-Jets, so when I can, I'll take a look at the numbers.

My guess right now (I'm not on my primary PC and won't be for a while) is that the other aircraft have their loads decreased in the standard configuration to allow them to operate with full tanks. The "fuel tanks always load full" issue has been around for many versions of the sim, so people have regulary tended to operate lower payloads to allow for it. Pretty much every aircraft I now use - espcially the high end ones - I have to do a proper weight calculation before I can use them. Military aircraft are even worse, because most developers seem to fill every load point available with large and impressive ordinance and then the sim puts in full fuel as well!




Ian P.

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