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E Jets v2 repaints


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I've just bought the ERJv2 software and received an email with a link to download the liveries and the link is broken. All I get is this message 403 - The Application: "erj_v2" is not available. Please advise where I can download the livery package.



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I'm also looking to download the repaints for FSX.


I have the zip file for the FS2004 repaints (moderator, let me know if you need that file) but I'm switching over to FSX now and would like the United repaint to fly for my VA.


Please let us know here when the file has been re-uploaded. Thank you!

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On the Feelthere.com site, under downloads, the FSX/FS9 E-Jets and Embraer Regional Jets liveries download link is not functional. It gives an error stating it is inaccessible. Could someone rectify this please?


Thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I bought the Embraer ERJ 145, 135 and ERJ 145 XR (XRJ) - v.2 two days ago. Today I saw, the liveries where not included. What a strange decision? But FS9 installation file is included to increase the download size by 100%. I don't need it, but the liveries, which I expected.


Now I see the download for the liveries is broken for two (2) months. The free liveries from McPhat Studios advertised by Simmarket aren't available either.


That's really bad guys and makes my trust in this company going down from 100 to 50%. Next time I will rather not buy a Feelthere product. This needs more than a simple sorry to make me not think your trying to increase the sales of the livery packs. 

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