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Can't get text to show correctly...

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Hi Pete,

I'm trying (as a beginner) to do some programming for FS using your fantastic FSUIPC module (of which I have a registered version.)

While eveything else seems to be working fine, I can't get text to display properly in the scroll bar that goes across the top of the screen in FS2K4. All I get is nonsense scrolling across the top...

The short piece of code is:

strMessageB = ""

disString = "Distance to " & DestICAO & ": " & Format(Distance, "#0.0 nm")

For iCount = 1 To Len(disString)

strMessageB = strMessageB & ChrBAsc(Mid(disString, iCount, 1)))

Next iCount

strMessageB = strMessageB & Chr(0)

myInt = -1

If FSUIPC_Write(&H3380, 128, VarPtr(strMessageB), dwResult) Then

If FSUIPC_Write(&H32FA, 2, VarPtr(myInt), dwResult) Then

If FSUIPC_Process(dwResult) Then

End If

End If

End If

If you have a spare moment, please could you see if you can spot any silly mistakes I've made in the above.

Kind regards,

Alex Berry,


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While eveything else seems to be working fine, I can't get text to display properly in the scroll bar that goes across the top of the screen in FS2K4. All I get is nonsense scrolling across the top

Sorry, I don't know Visual Basic enough to advise you accurately on this. The usual problems VB programmers have are (a) wide (16-bit) characters being used instead of the normal standard ASCII as understood by FS, and (b) not passing the pointers to strings, but values instead.

It looks like the former may be taken care of by your preparation loop (though I don't really know this, I should add), but I thought the writing of strings from VB was best done by the use of the "FSUIPC_WriteS" variant some kind person added to the VB part of the SDK? Have you tried that? It may be that the declaration of the FSUIPC_Write function is de-referencing your string pointer.



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