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Occasional ground collisions


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I have read the reporting bugs thread, but this doesn't seem to be totally reproducible.  However, I thought I would post anyway in case it's something that can be looked at.


I have had a number of ground collisions that really shouldn't have happened.  For example, 4 aircraft holding at GR on runway 08R at EGKK, the next aircraft given GR as a hold just taxies straight into the back of number 4.  Another time, an aircraft given taxi from stand 553 at EGKK, then one from 53 given a follow company.  The one from 53 taxied straight into the back of the one from 553 (this is the one in the attached game.log). 


I can understand collisions occurring around corners or similar, but I wouldn't expect an aircraft to try and taxi through the one ahead.  I will continue to try and get it to happen again and attach the files if I can!






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