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Tower 2011 - create lines for taxiways


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Does anyone know how to create the lines for ne taxiways leading to a gate in the tower editor. I've read the manual top to bottom and front to back and cannot figure out how to draw the green taxi line. I want to add some to the existing LAX airport. Any help please?

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Not sure how far along you are in the process, but if you are asking how to create the lines, you right-click on the point you want to start, move the mouse to the point you want to end, and right click again, then close the routes box.  I assume you have given the new taxiway way a name, such as "R" or "B4,", etc.

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I was able to create the line. Thanks for the info. I have not been able to add the knot, which I think is what's needed to activate the line. I tied to run the game, and it retired on loading due to the taxi way line that I added. I went back in and deleted it and the game works fine. It would be nice to know how to fully use the airfield editor, but the instructions in the manual are very vague? Are there any additional instructions available that would be more detailed?

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I have done this quite a few times and never had the game fail to load.  Did you accidently give the new line the same name as an existing line?  Also, make sure that the new line begins on the far side of the center line of the taxiway being intercepted.  I don't think there are any tutorials in addition to the manual.

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I can create the lines just fine. When I look at the other taxi way lines leading up to the jetway, there is a little black dot called a knot. This is what I cannot create? That's what I'm thinking is missing, in order for it to work properly. There is a check box that will filter those out from showing, so in almost positive that it need to be there. When I create a new taxi way, it's not there and I cannot figure out how to add it. BTW, you're schedule creator works like a champ. Thanks for all of the hard work to make the simulation better.

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Here is a TAXIWAY Terminal in/out I just created by right-clicking to left of main taxiway center line, and then right-clicking where I wanted it to end.  Note the small black knot that was created automatically.  Make sure the "hide knots" box is not checked in the create/edit box.


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I have been able to create the taxi lines, and airplanes are showing up parked on them. However, when they call for taxi clearance, they do no move. When I clear the aircraft to taxi to a certain runway, they reply back with the following comment: "Taxi to Runway 24L via D" then there is no movement and then they reply "We would like a more practical way to the runway/terminal" They will not move. Not sure why? I evidentially have not done something quite right when creating the taxi way lines. I pulled up the settings of existing taxiway lines right next to where I created the new one, and matched the settings of the ones that already work. Please help if you can. Thanks!

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When you "add" using the editor, are you using the "taxiway simple" or "taxiway terminal in/out option?"  I think if you want to create a new taxiway, such as R2 ("Romeo Two"), you need to use the first option.  If you want to create new parking spaces at a terminal, such as "FDX1," you need to use the second option.  I have modified LAX using both using the methods we have been discussing without any problems.  One thing I have noted is that all landings on 25L will turn toward the terminals regardless of new taxiways or terminal parking being created along the south side...must be built into the sim.  If you have parking along the southside, aircraft will eventually get there by a roundabout route.

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As far as I know the "request a more logical routing to the terminal/runway" occurs when AI can't compute a routing. The most likely cause when adding/moving gates is that the green gate line doesn't intersect the mid-point of the adjacent taxiway (no black dot).


When you have created the green gate line make sure that you drag the inner marker point (the one closest to the taxiway) to actually intersect the mid-point of the taxiway that it comes from. The black dot will display automatically if the gate-line is correctly placed. It should look like what Dick posted above. The black dot can not be "added" manually, it's displayed once the gate line has a valid connection to the taxiway.


The only occasion where Tower refuses to load after adding gates was when I forgot to enter a terminal name into the "terminal company filter" box (or had a typo in it).



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