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Embraer 190 landing speed & 747 landing distance - Tower 2011


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Yesterday, I noticed a couple of things while on Tower 2011 (KJFK)...


1)  The E190's seem to come in too fast.  They do slow down for the final approach, but seem to kick it up to about 250 knots when actually landing.  Had a near miss on the runway because of it.  No big whoop, I'll look at the E190 in the aircraft editor later and change it if needed...


2)  I also had an instance where I cleared a 747 to land on JFK runway 22L.  22L is 8400 feet in length, and the 747's need about 7000 feet to safely land and stop.  Well, the result was that the plane could not stop in time and overshot the end of the runway, and I was penalized for the error promptly.


Now, since I was set up with converging runways (I was using 13R for departures, 13L and 22L for arrivals), I couldn't change to the parallel 22R because it was closed due to the configuration.


My question is, If I gave the 'go around' command and handed them off to departure, would it return to approach 22L again, or would the sim change the plane's approach to 13L (or R since Tower doesn't have the same runway matrix as Tracon), or would I have to guide the plane to enter the pattern of 13L where I was funneling most arrivals to?


Thanks for any insight.

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Hi Johnwy,


The plane file for your second point can also be changed I believe, not sure as I haven't done this myself.


As for your example about approaching 22L what I would do is give it "Enter Final Runway 13R" as soon as you are aware.

(Not forgetting the "clear to land" when appropriate to do so).

This is frought with danger however as you will still be receiving your other planes as normal for 13R.

If any of them do appear and look like they will conflict with your 747 give them an immediate heading away from danger and then "Contact Departure".

They will eventually turn up again the same as a missed approach will.


Did you try an "Enter Final Runway 22R" even though you didn't have it open for arrivals?

I seem to recall I did this at DFW when they get stuck on 17C, I switched them to 17R.


If you give your 747 a go around and hand back to departure it will be handed back for the same runway. (ie 22L)

so you will still have the same problem until it lands.


Good Luck!



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Not having a runway open for arrivals only prevents the simulator from feeding traffic to that runway.  You can still instruct planes to land there.  Use the phrase "Enter Final Runway...", just make sure to issue the command early, as otherwise the plane will circle around, possibly conflicting with other traffic.



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No,  I didn't try 22R mainly because I didn't think about it at the time.   :oops:  

I did give the command to enter final Rwy 13R last night, which works fine in the context of the sim.  However, I assume it probably wouldn't be the correct procedure in a real world scenario, especially with having 3 extremely busy airports in such close proximity (KJFK, KLGA & KEWR).


I did edit the E190 and E195 last night in the airplane editor.  Just had to pop in the proper speed numbers where needed. 



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Not having a runway open for arrivals only prevents the simulator from feeding traffic to that runway.  You can still instruct planes to land there.  Use the phrase "Enter Final Runway...", just make sure to issue the command early, as otherwise the plane will circle around, possibly conflicting with other traffic.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Found that the E175's are also suspect........ found this out when I was issuing a 'reduce speed' command yesterday and promptly got a 'negative' response.


On an unrelated note, is there a place to submit suggestions?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Johnwy,


Care to share the speed you gave them?


I'm having issues with the E190 on KRDU (JBU1228) . It's vectored in for 23L by the AI, which is 7500 ft, which should be more than plenty. However it still runs of the runway. If i vector it to 32R which is 10000 ft, then it can barely make it ... The plane exits at (if I recall correct) B3 or is it B2.




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A zip file of the planes I have edited.  I would make a safety copy of the originals that are in the Feel There airplane folders and replace them with these. 


I have also found what looks to be a great website for info at:




I might re-edit what I have already edited once I have a better look at the website.






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