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  • 4 weeks later...

FSX Steam updated succesfully and the package is now installed in FSX-SE.

I can choose the aircraft from the FSX free flight menu without a problem.

But I cant find a Feelthere folder on the Windows/Start menu.

And thus I cant find the Embraer Configuration Utility :-(

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I have another problem with the STEAM version of this airplane :-(

Under FSX boxed version, this airplane is added in the main FSX folder in a Feelthere subfolder.

Also, in the SIMOBJECTS folder under Aircraft, there are the FEELTHERE PIC E195 folder and FEELTHERE PIC E175 folder, both with their respective aircraft.cfg files.

This is a good thing and everything works fine.

Including creating camera views with OpusFSI for this aircraft!!

Under FSX STEAM, this airplane is added in a different folder:


Inside this folder I see the SIMOBJECTS folder (which is used by OpusFSI to create camera views for an addon aircraft) aswell as the FEELTHERE folder (and some other stuff).

I dont think the SIMOBJECTS folder should be inside this DLC folder/364324.

And I dont think that a new SIMOBJECTS folder should be present either.

Because in the boxed FSX as well as in the STEAM version there is already a SIMOBJECT folder under the FSX root folder.

And inside this SIMOBJECTS folder is where the aircraft.cfg file should be for each and every FSX aircraft!

So that addons like OpusFSI can find the aircraft and I can create views for it.

Now, as things are installed in non standard folders in the STEAM version I can not use OPUS FSI to create camera views for this aircraft :-(

OpusFSI just does not see this addon.

So my question is....is my Embraer istalled in the correct folder or did things go wrong on my end?

or, if things are supposed to be this way, can you change it?.....make a new installer perhaps?

or, if you cant do that, can I go into the STEAM/steamapps/common/FSX/DLC/364324/SIMOBJECTS/Airplanes folder and move the two folders that I need (FEELTHERE PIC E195 and FEELTHERE PIC E175) to the main SIMOBJECTS folder under FSX root?

or will this screw up the whole addon and cause it to work no longer??

thx in advance for the support.

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