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FSUIPC Key not valid! (Version 3.999Z8 for FS9)

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I did buy a new FSUIPC Key with my Simmarket account for my Friend.

But if he want to Register his FSUIPC, it says, Key not valid.

Offcourse he wrote my Name into the field, and also my Email Adress.


He use FS9!



Thank you for your help.



Kind Regards


Stephan Ricci LSZH

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You posted this Support request in the FAQ subforum, where it was ucky I noticed it. Please alway put support requests into this, the Support Forum.


I did buy a new FSUIPC Key with my Simmarket account for my Friend.

But if he want to Register his FSUIPC, it says, Key not valid.

Offcourse he wrote my Name into the field, and also my Email Adress.


Either you purchased a key for FSUIPC4 (FSX and later) by mistake, or he is making a mistake Every part, all three entries, must be EXACTLY as shown in your SimMarket account, letter for letter, number for number.



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My friend did write all tree entry correctly, with the correct name.

My Name, Email Adress and the Registration Key I get from Simmmarket.


But its not working. The Flightsimulator is FS2004.


Then either you bought FSUIPC4 instead of FSUIPC3, or your friend is making a mistake. The registrations are automatically generated and will not be wrong.


If you want me to check here I need the SimMarket order number. Do NOT post any other details.



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