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WideFS not connecting to Prepar3d V3

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I made the leap from FSX to Prepar3d and have a few problems.  Cannot seem to get simconnect to work so I can run software like Vpilot on a client.  My other problem is WideFS will not connect to Prepard3d v3.  I mention the simconnect problem as I think it might be related to WideFS somehow.  I am running FSUIPC version 4.949 on Windows 7.  I just installed WideFS 6.99 that does not connect.


Can you point me in the right direction as you usually do?





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WideClient does not connect or use ior does any harm to SimConnect. It uses just like SimConnect the network, Simconnect (client) to connect direct to SimConnect (FSX or p3D) where WideClient connects to FSUIPC4 build-in WideFS.

​As you say neither SimConnect nor WideClient connects that points to a network problem in your setup. Make sure your IP and subnet is correct and check no firewall is active. Make sure if you use in WideClient.ini file ServerName or ServerIp that its value is correct.

WideFS is NOT for FSUIPC4, it is for FSUIPC (FS9 and earlier) ONLY.

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