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Hook Errors/P3D v3.2

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I've been troubleshooting errors in a new OS installation (Win 7 Prof) and Prepar3D v3.2.3.  The errors are reproducible in the sense that they always occur with 500 nm of KSFO (YSSY-KSFO) with the PMDG 7772.  I have read previous comments that would indicate a corrupt or faulty installation, but I have done this, unfortunately, twice. It always the same Hook Errors: sim1.dll and visualfx.dll.  If the CTD doesn't occur, then the offending dll is ai_player.  I have attached the fsuipc.log--Any assistance would be appreciated--Thanks,




P.S. The versions of the .dlls all correspond to v3.2.3.1679


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I've been troubleshooting errors in a new OS installation (Win 7 Prof) and Prepar3D v3.2.3.  The errors are reproducible in the sense that they always occur with 500 nm of KSFO (YSSY-KSFO) with the PMDG 7772.  I have read previous comments that would indicate a corrupt or faulty installation, but I have done this, unfortunately, twice. It always the same Hook Errors: sim1.dll and visualfx.dll.  If the CTD doesn't occur, then the offending dll is ai_player.  I have attached the fsuipc.log--Any assistance would be appreciated--Thanks,




P.S. The versions of the .dlls all correspond to v3.2.3.1679


The hook errors are some weird result of something going wrong elsewhere, they are symptoms not causes. Some software elsewhere in P3D is going wrong. The hooks are only placed once, during FSUIPC initialisation, and the code is never used again -- the initial placement, which is for wind smoothing, should ever the option be enabled) works okay as logged here:


      483 --- Wind smoothing fix is installed
You'll need to engage in a process of elimination to see what is causing the crash or hang. For instance, if you see AI Player as a part of it then try without AI traffic and see if that helps.



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Thanks---FWIW, have disabled ASN, the GF drivers, and regenerated p3d.cfg. AI is set to 0. I've also checked the dlls for the correct version. Same "predictable" result--


In disabling ASN did you also stop its DLL loading? (The "as_connect" entry in the DLL.XML file). Tht would be the only component which could crash the sim.


Not that I think it's related to aSN, unless your version is out of date. I run the latest version, and with lots of AI supplied both MyTraffic6 and UT2, and have never seen the sorts of errors you are reporting. Mind you, I'm not (yet) a big P3D user -- still mostly prefer FSX-SE as it allows me far higher levels of AI Traffic, with good performance, than I can achieve with P3D.


It think there are still some bugs, or maybe incompatibilities, in P3D version 3, at least judging by the number of hangs and crashes still being reported on the L-M forums.


I've released a further update to FSUIPC -- 4.949p. No significant changes apart from the use of the P3D SimConnect interface instead of needing to use FSX ones, but the difference in the codebase may just move things enough to give different symproms as far a FSUIPC is concerned.



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Update--The re-flight ended in the same way--This time the fsuipc.log file (attached) indicates a "lost focus to dwm.exe."  Any suggestions or is a reinstall suggested?


The focus information is only logged, for information only, because of the logging options you have set. It is a facility I added to help discover why sometimes FS seems to spontaneously minimise to the task bar.


Perhaps you need to determine what that program "dwm.exe" is and whether it is the cause of your crashes. I just googled it and found this: http://www.processlibrary.com/en/directory/files/dwm/71288/.


So it appears to be to do with the desktop, so maybe it too is a symptom of the crash -- the desktop gaining focus as a consequence. I don't know. You still need to go through a process of elimination of everything you've added which isn't a default part of P3D.


Have you tried asking in the P3D forum on AVSIM, or in the L-M forums? Why are you so determined to relate it to FSUIPC?



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I see those Hook Errors as well, but fortunately, they only happen when I close Prepar3D. No crash during flight so far. Happens after longer flights only, never while doing some short tests on the ground.


Let me know if some tests on my system can be of any help.


Is this with the current version, 4.949p? If so please let me see an FSUIPC4.log after P3D has closed.



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