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Resolving Discontinuities in the FMC


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I have the ERJ package and really like these aircraft. It's wonderful. I have FSX Gold, Win 10. I have read and reread the manual on the FMC. I program the FMC as per instructions and confirm that the FMC is controlling the aircraft (the PDF compass indicators are purple). I take off and  engage the autopilot, select the ALT SPD and HDG. The plane doesn't follow the flight plan I entered. The only thing I see is a discontinuity. I want to overfly the waypoint listed above the discontinuity. How do I resolve this?


Thanks for your help with this and thanks for a great product.


Bill Mattson

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Well, I doubt this is the problem, but if you follow the steps you say you're following then it definitely should not work. You say you hit "ALT SPD and HDG", but you should be hitting "ALT SPD and NAV". But I assume you're doing that right.


If you press the DIR key and then press the LSK key next to any waypoint in your route, it will create a line running from your current position directly to that waypoint. Try to hit your NAV key quickly on your autopilot so that you have an easier time getting on the route.


When you takeoff, it make sometimes seem like there's a discontinuity in the route because it uses the airport's official center as the first point in the route, which is often located in odd areas. Additionally, if you don't activate the NAV quickly enough after takeoff, you'll have flown so far off the line that it won't pick it up. Ideally you should be on an intercept for the flight path when activating NAV mode.


Please let me know if this works.



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