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Does this seem right?

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Brand new P3D v 3.2 install.

Made a short flight from EGLC to EGLL, UT2 on with traffic commercial at 59 and general at 30 just like in FSX.

I had ASN SP5 running in a thunderstorm, REX soft clouds only, Track IR, EZCA, A2A'sComanche.

Also, what are all these Explorer errors, are they Windows Explorer errors?

Can anyone explain to me what all this means?

I'd be very grateful as I'm not good at it.

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.955 (1st June 2016) by Pete Dowson *********
Prepar3D.exe version =
Reading options from "G:\P3D\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"
Running inside Prepar3D v3 on Windows 7
Module base=59B30000
User Name="Paul Higginbotham"
User Addr="paulhiggvette@att.net"
FSUIPC4 Key is provided
WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired
       15 System time = 13/06/2016 15:23:10
       15 FLT path = "C:\Users\Jetline\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files\"
       15 ------ Module Version Check ------
       15        acontain.dll:
       15             api.dll:
       15        controls.dll:
       15      fs-traffic.dll:
       15             G3D.dll:
       15        language.dll:
       15            sim1.dll:
       15        visualfx.dll:
       15         weather.dll:
       15          window.dll:
       15 ----------------------------------
       15 Trying G:\P3D\Modules\SimConnectP3D3.dll
       15 Found it: trying to connect
       15 FS path = "G:\P3D\"
      124 ---------------------- Joystick Device Scan -----------------------
      124 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
      124    Manufacturer= Saitek
      124    Vendor=06A3, Product=0763 (Version 1.1)
      124    Serial Number= 
      124 Product= Pro Flight TPM System
      124    Manufacturer= Mad Catz
      124    Vendor=06A3, Product=0B4D (Version 1.98)
      140    Serial Number= G0007131
      140 Product= Saitek Pro Flight Yoke
      140    Manufacturer= Saitek
      140    Vendor=06A3, Product=0BAC (Version 3.4)
      140    Serial Number= 
      140 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      140 LogOptions=00000000 00000011
      140 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      140 ------ Setting the hooks and direct calls into the simulator ------
      140 --- CONTROLS timer memory location obtained ok
      140 --- SIM1 Frictions access gained
      140 --- FS Controls Table located ok
      140 --- Installed Mouse Macro hooks ok.
      140 --- Wind smoothing fix is installed
      140 --- All links okay (except older global weather setting method)
      140 -------------------------------------------------------------------
      140 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay
      140 Trying to use SimConnect Prepar3D
     5038 Running in "Lockheed MartinÆ Prepar3DÆ v3", Version: (SimConnect:
     5038 Initialising SimConnect data requests now
     5038 FSUIPC Menu entry added
     5054 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y
     5054 C:\Users\Jetline\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\Prepar3D_Default.fxml
     5054 G:\P3D\SimObjects\Airplanes\IRIS Raptor Driver\Raptor.air
     5148 Deactivated for PID=3920, "EZCA.exe"
     5163 Memory in use: 802Mb, Avail=3294Mb
    24258 G:\P3D\SimObjects\Airplanes\A2A_Piper_PA24_250_Comanche\PA24_250.air
    61370 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N
    61651 System time = 13/06/2016 15:24:12, Simulator time = 15:23:16 (15:23Z)
    61651 Aircraft="Piper Piper PA-24 Comanche (A2A)"
    65380 Memory in use: 2438Mb, Avail=1658Mb
    66971 Starting everything now ...
    66971 Note: "G:\P3D\Modules\PFCFSX.DLL", Error 126 (The specified module could not be found. )
    66971 Note: "G:\P3D\Modules\EPICINFO5.DLL", Error 126 (The specified module could not be found. )
    66971 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N
    67080 ASN active function link set
    67080 Ready for ASN WX radar
    70481 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled
    74755 Deactivated for PID=2396, "explorer.exe"
    74755 Lost focus to PID=2396, "explorer.exe"
    79529 Deactivated for PID=2396, "explorer.exe"
    79529 Lost focus to PID=2396, "explorer.exe"
   114224 Deactivated: culprit unknown
   114224 Focus lost: culprit unknown
   125549 Memory in use: 2711Mb, Avail=1385Mb
   144675 Deactivated for PID=2396, "explorer.exe"
   144675 Lost focus to PID=2396, "explorer.exe"
   185812 Memory in use: 2762Mb, Avail=1334Mb
   201912 Deactivated: culprit unknown
   201912 Focus lost: culprit unknown
   223705 Weather Mode now = Theme
   246044 Memory in use: 2842Mb, Avail=1254Mb
   306261 Memory in use: 2856Mb, Avail=1240Mb
   366430 Memory in use: 2968Mb, Avail=1128Mb
   426616 Memory in use: 2995Mb, Avail=1101Mb
   486832 Memory in use: 2994Mb, Avail=1102Mb
   546970 Memory in use: 3001Mb, Avail=1095Mb
   607249 Memory in use: 3020Mb, Avail=1075Mb
   667465 Memory in use: 3071Mb, Avail=1025Mb
   727666 Memory in use: 3076Mb, Avail=1020Mb
   787820 Memory in use: 3097Mb, Avail=999Mb
   848037 Memory in use: 3105Mb, Avail=991Mb
   908269 Memory in use: 3105Mb, Avail=991Mb
   947659 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y
   947659 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 886 secs = 35.7 fps
   947659              Max AI traffic was 93 aircraft
   953228 Deactivated: culprit unknown
   953228 Lost focus to PID=4876, "ASNext.exe"
   967175 === NOTE: not calling SimConnect_Close ...
   968173 System time = 13/06/2016 15:39:19, Simulator time = 15:38:00 (15:38Z)
   968173 *** FSUIPC log file being closed
Minimum frame rate was 25.0 fps, Maximum was 60.4 fps
Minimum available memory recorded was 955Mb
Average frame rate for running time of 886 secs = 35.7 fps
Maximum AI traffic for session was 93 aircraft
Memory managed: 361 Allocs, 361 Freed
********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********


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2 hours ago, PHII33 said:

Also, what are all these Explorer errors, are they Windows Explorer errors?

Sorry, what "explorer errors"? I see nothing about any errors. I don't know what you are asking about. And why start your question with "Also"? That normally means you've already asked something.

There are entries in the log which you appeared to be requesting by enabling £Extras" logging. This logs all sorts of useful information, but what are you looking for? Why are you even looking at the log? Do you have some problem or other?

Just turn the logging options off if you don't know what they are for. Mostly they are to help debugging problems, for for that you need problems to begin with.



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11 minutes ago, Pete Dowson said:

Sorry, what "explorer errors"? I see nothing about any errors. I don't know what you are asking about. And why start your question with "Also"? That normally means you've already asked something.

There are entries in the log which you appeared to be requesting by enabling £Extras" logging. This logs all sorts of useful information, but what are you looking for? Why are you even looking at the log? Do you have some problem or other?

Just turn the logging options off if you don't know what they are for. Mostly they are to help debugging problems, for for that you need problems to begin with.



I'm sorry Pete, I didn't mean to upset you.  I was just wondering what this meant.  I was wondering why my VAS was so low in P3D v 3.2 with such a short flight from EGLC to EGLL in the Comanche with ASN on, TRIR on, EZCA on.  I apologize for making you angry.

74755 Deactivated for PID=2396, "explorer.exe"
    74755 Lost focus to PID=2396, "explorer.exe"
    79529 Deactivated for PID=2396, "explorer.exe"
    79529 Lost focus to PID=2396, "explorer.exe"
   114224 Deactivated: culprit unknown
   114224 Focus lost: culprit unknown

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VAS is depending on what is running and how much memory FS/ P3D needs for mostly sceneries and FSUIPC does give you that info without being involved WHY, just THAT such is used. If you feel it is too much memory used you would need to find out maybe which add-on e.g. scenery is responsible for that.

74755 Lost focus to PID=2396, "explorer.exe" 

Lost focus means as what it says, FS lost the focus/ is no longer the active window because you clicked/ activated a different program, here the Windows Explorer.


79529 Deactivated for PID=2396, "explorer.exe"

Deactivated means simple you activated/ clicked on again FS window, so the here Windows Explorer is deactivated/ no longer the active window with focus.


Focus lost: culprit unknown

You might have just clicked anywhere on the screen other than on FS and so FS lost the focus but no other program got the focus (other than Windows itself).


When a programs has the Focus it is (if not other programmed) the one that gets the input e.g. from keyboard.


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9 hours ago, PHII33 said:

 I apologize for making you angry.

No, you misunderstand. Not angry. Just puzzled as to what you were asking (as I said there are no errors shown), and why you enabled extra logging in the first place.

I see Thomas explained some the messages you seem to think were errors.



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Thanks guys, I panic easily, I suffer from severe panic attacks in real life.  I'm sorry.  When I saw that I assumed the worst.  I only had it make a VAS log to see how much VAS I had left in the same flight with the same add-ons to compare between FSX and P3D.  If one can even do that.  I didn't vet OOM's in FSX too often but when I did I knew why, flying the Q400 from Seattle to Orbx's Friday Harbor for example.  I liked to see how much I had left.

This is why I went with P3D, I was under the impression it dumped VAS as it flew, I may be wrong.

But as long as everything is fine I'm reassured .  Thank you for explaining this to me Thomas.

Pete, I'm still not sure exactly what has to be selected in FSUIPC for just VAS monitoring.


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1 hour ago, PHII33 said:

This is why I went with P3D, I was under the impression it dumped VAS as it flew, I may be wrong.

Well, some say it does, but then some say that seems to not be happening now with 3.3.  I know FSX-SE is a lot better in this area to FSX -- they did improve it there.

1 hour ago, PHII33 said:

I'm still not sure exactly what has to be selected in FSUIPC for just VAS monitoring.

If you want a log, by time, the setting you have is fine. Just ignore the other messages of no interest. But the memory free/used values are available for other add-ons to read, and the is a program which displays it, and also a little Lua plug-in. You don't need any logging options then, and don't need to look in the log. I'm sorry I don't have any references. The plug-in one I use, which also displays Frame Rate only works on a client PC using WideClient (I don't like displays on my FS screen). If you run WideFS I can give you that to try.

Otherwise you'd need to search -- thy the AVSIM FSX/FSX-SE and Prepar3D Forums.




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Thanks Pete, I'm so lost with this stuff, try as I might I just don't get it.  I fly planes and fix them in real life, that's what I use the sim for too.  I don't like to have to do all the tweaking and other stuff.  I don't even know what Lua or WideClient is or what it does.  But I can tell you how to fly or fix a real plane.

Thanks for your help.


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