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Throttle setting Freeze Lear 45

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Unsure whether this is a problem with FSUIPC or something else.

Installed FS2004 several days ago and registered version of FSUIPC. On several flights using the Lear 45 with Auto Pilot and Throttle set during inflight the throttle will drop to 00 and the weather remains at 12 MAG.

I am using active sky generated weather.

The weather will still be generated but the weather is not being transferred to the FS2004 program after the throttles setting freeze at 00.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Kenny G.

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Installed FS2004 several days ago and registered version of FSUIPC. On several flights using the Lear 45 with Auto Pilot and Throttle set during inflight the throttle will drop to 00 and the weather remains at 12 MAG.

I am using active sky generated weather.

The weather will still be generated but the weather is not being transferred to the FS2004 program after the throttles setting freeze at 00.

Not sure how the weather is related to the throttle position, and certainly nothing in either FSUIPC or ActiveSky will be touching the throttle.

Where do you read "00" for throttle setting? Do you mean the throttle levers are being pulled back to idle? Or is it the Air Speed you are reading, rather than the throttle? If so, then what you are encountering is icing. Make sure that pitot heat is enabled and probably anti-ice also --- FS2004 seems to be prone to bunging up the pitot tube if you get anywhere near any cloud with serious icing levels.

As for ActiveSky stopping updating the weather, that sounds like a problem with some of the earlier versions. Make sure you are using the latest versions of both FSUIPC (3.10) and ActiveSky (1.91 I think). Check also with Damian's forum, "Project: ActiveSky" here on Simflight.



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Tks. for the quick reply Peter, you are correct it was an icing problem I usually fly GA at lower Alt. but tried the Lear at Alt. FL350 -50 without either De-Ice or Pitot activated.

Did another flight with these two buttons activated and no problem.

I am using your latest version and Active sky 1.91.

Tks. Again:)

Kenny G.

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