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Teamspeak pushbutton settings on second computer

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I have two computers.

Computer 1 is running P3d, Fsuipc and WideFS

Computer 2 is running WideFS, Ivao and TeamSpeak


I have the Saitek Cessna yoke and like to program button 0 on the Yoke as TeamSpeak pushbutton with the Scroll Lock key. (F12 does not work for me)


On PC2 I have in the WideClient.ini added:








In P3d – Fsuipc – Buttons – Button 0 – Select for FS control – Keysend 1-255 (widefs) – Parameter 1 – Control repeat – Keysend 1-255(widefs) – Parameter 2


TeamSpeak settings:

Settings menu – Sound Input/Output Settings – set Push to talk to Scroll Lock.


Teamspeak should now run on the client machine (Computer one)


The joystick button not works. What is wrong in my settings?




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3 hours ago, jackdeheer said:

On PC2 I have in the WideClient.ini added:






Er, exactly what keystrokes do you think "0" and "0,1" send?

0 is nothing, no key, 'null'. You need to look up the number rerpresenting the key you want to send. And the second number is a set of shift values added together. You omitted a second number in the first and gave an invalid one in the second.

The documentation lists all the valid keycode numbers AND the shift codes -- the former in the Appendix on page 20 of the Technical guide, and the shift codes on the page before.

3 hours ago, jackdeheer said:


In P3d – Fsuipc – Buttons – Button 0 – Select for FS control – Keysend 1-255 (widefs) – Parameter 1 – Control repeat – Keysend 1-255(widefs) – Parameter 2

What's KeySend1 defined in WideClient for then?

Not sure having the key repeat whilst pressed is a good idea. Won't that keep toggling PTT on and off all the time?

3 hours ago, jackdeheer said:

TeamSpeak settings:

Settings menu – Sound Input/Output Settings – set Push to talk to Scroll Lock

As documented, ScrollLock is code 145. Did you not look? An unshifted Scroll Lock would be 145,8.

If you want it to be pressed with one keysend and released on another, so you can program that on your button press and release, you need different shift codes. Why didn't you just take the TeamSpeak example in the documentation and change the F12 keycode (123) to the ScrollLock keycode, instead of somehow deciding on 0 and 0,1?

Please do use the documentation provided. It would be much more efficient and easier for you than composing messages here and waiting for answers. That's why documentation is produced, so users can look these things up!



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