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JFK Gate Arrival/Departure behavior of JetBlue


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Hello all:

New to Tower!3D Pro and the forums. I did a search on this a couple different ways and got nothing, so here goes:

Playing JFK, forget if it was morning or afternoon. I started noticing a trend where a Jet Blue arrival gets to the gate and immediately after shutdown the aircraft pops up in the Departure strip under a new flight number requesting pushback. This happened about three times in a three hour window of ops to me yesterday. Now, I know airlines do turn some planes around quickly and send them back out, but thought I would poll the forum here to see what is what.

I also seem to have more trouble with the flight ground control once it leaves the gate again. Of course it is subjective, but they get confused on the south side of the Jet Blue ramp, particularly if you try to reroute the ones on the far (east) end of the terminal to 31L via A, K (or KK).

Anyone able to shed some light on this phenomenon?

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Welcome to the forums.

The immediate call for pushback after a gate arrival is not specific to Jet Blue or KJFK. I've seen it with other airlines and airports - I just consider it a "feature" of the sim.

The taxi route A-K to 31L is a little confusing to me, so not sure I can shed any light.


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