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[RESOLVED]PLAYASAI rate seems slow?

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Hi Fabio

Still checking this out.......

It seems that when I choose a fixed sample rate (20FPS for instance), and then use the PLAYASAI feature, the playback rate is incorrect, as though the Simulator rate is being slowed down. (The Sim FPS was set to 60FPS).

Not sure if it's finger trouble or a genuine bug!

Does the FPS setting in P3Dv4 need to be the same as the record sample rate to use PLAYASAI?


Dave Nash

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Hi Dave ;-)!

I hope understand your issue... if you record at 20 FPS but Sim it is set at 60 FPS (also in recording and playing situation) it is normal that you see playing slow down because it was recorded at 20 fps that you set in your FCR options. If you run P3D at 60 fps i advice you to record at 60 fps and play situationa t the same speed rate ;-)

Let me know



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  • FabioMerlo changed the title to [RESOLVED]PLAYASAI rate seems slow?

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