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Autosave RCD creation with latest FSUIPC

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After the September 14th version of FSUIPC for P3DV4 I have noticed that auto save is not creating an RCD version. Any one else experiencing the same. This use to work in the previous version. I am using the registered version.

Any help is greatly appreciated.




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8 hours ago, asadkamal said:

After the September 14th version of FSUIPC for P3DV4 I have noticed that auto save is not creating an RCD version.

What's an "RCD version"?

FSUIPC's AutoSave doesn't create any files itself (except maybe an ipcBin file if you opted to save data too). All the AutoSave does is call the same function as you would by using the Save flight menu in P3D. It just generates the filename for SimConnect.

Please check that you are using the current supported version of FSUIPC (version 5.121b).



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Thanks alot for your response Pete. Yes I have updated FSUIPC to 5.121b. Previously when autosave would run I would see the .fxml .wx and .rcd (radar contact) files created in the P3D V4 files folder. That would allow me to restore the flight using radar contact. After the last update 5.121 the autosave doesn't seem to be creating the .rcd, its still create the fxml and wx files.

I have just updated to 5.121b last night, so will try a flight again to see if its working now.



Asad Kamal

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2 hours ago, asadkamal said:

Previously when autosave would run I would see the .fxml .wx and .rcd (radar contact) files

Ah! Radar Contact Data. I should have remembered (I used to use RC before I moved to ProATC/X). Those files are actually a function of Radar Contact, which sees that a flight has just been saved via appropriate offsets, and then saves its own data.

Let me know if it doesn't work with 5.121b before we commence further investigations.



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