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PMDG CTD with Keyboard Press

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Everything works on my new systems with P3D v3.4 installed with the exception of the PMDG 737.  It loads fine and I can look around with the view hat, mouse etc. As soon as I press any button on my keyboard I get CTD. Spent hours researching and troubleshooting. Reinstalled all versions of sim connect, reinstalled PMDG several times.  Reininstalled P3D.   I don’t have any CTD or any problems with any other planes. For some reason the keyboard causes a crash.  It was suggested that I reach out  to assess possible issues with FSUIPC.  

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1 hour ago, Thomas Richter said:

make sure you use latest FSUIPC5 version and also you have the latest update for PMDG installed.

Please also attach the FSUIPC5.log.

Actually, as he is using P3D v3.4, it will be FSUIPC4 and FSUIPC4.LOG.

2 hours ago, jdky29 said:

I don’t have any CTD or any problems with any other planes. For some reason the keyboard causes a crash.  It was suggested that I reach out  to assess possible issues with FSUIPC.  

You should refer to the L-M support forum. There are a lot of problems like this resulting from one of the recent Windows 10 updates (KB4038788).



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Attached is the FSUIPC4 log file.  You'll see that I have the Alabeo 207 Skywagon set up as default.  No issues there.  I can load the 737 fine and click around the panel.  The second I touch the keyboard is when the CTD happens.  I'm well aware about the recommendation to load the 737 first, but if I try THAT it does a CTD and doesn't even load.  At least when I load the other plane first I can switch to the 737, just can't do anything with it  because the keyboard crashes it.  I also reviewed the PMDG site and I don't even have update KB4038788 installed. 


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8 hours ago, jdky29 said:

The second I touch the keyboard is when the CTD happens.  I'm well aware about the recommendation to load the 737 first, but if I try THAT it does a CTD and doesn't even load.  At least when I load the other plane first I can switch to the 737, just can't do anything with it  because the keyboard crashes it.

Unless you a touch a key which you have programmed in FSUIPC, then really FSUIPC is just not involved. It doesn't care whether you touch the keyboard or not, and most certainly doesn't do anything as a result for a non-programmed keypress.

Sorry, but you really must look elsewhere. Folks nearly always pick on FSUIPC first, and it is very rarely involved.

I'd start by completely uninstalling the 737NGX and re-installing it from scratch.

BTW didn't you look at the Windows error report to see where it crashed -- i.e. in which module? Then at least you have a chance of someone recognising it. You might even find it on one of the Forums already reported and perhaps fixed. You can view previous errors in Windows Event viewer.

8 hours ago, jdky29 said:

I also reviewed the PMDG site and I don't even have update KB4038788 installed. 

You didn't review the L-M P3D support site where lots of CTDs are reported?

I see you are using Windows 10, and the version and build number of it suggests it is updated. Therefore you must have that update installed. If not, how did you stop it?



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Thanks for taking a look at this and the quick response. I’m certainly not picking on FSUIPC, it was just suggested that I look at it as an option since I’ve exhausted a lot of other potential causes. I started looking at LM support forums last night and will see if that offers any help. Thanks again for all the help. Much appreciated!

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