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FSUIPC 5 with PMDG Aircraft

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Hi, im relatively new to using fsuipc with the programming of buttons with in the sim to the PMDG Aircraft. Im looking to program a specific set of buttons such as lights , trim and autopilot disconnect. I have been trying to do this several ways but with no success so far. The best I have got is getting the strobe lights to go on but I can not get them to go off again. Now Im getting to the point of frustration and needing help in doing this.


Just wanna find the best way to do this.


Edited by WILLBER
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1 minute ago, WILLBER said:

im relatively new to using fsuipc with the programming of buttons with in the sim to the PMDG Aircraft. Im looking to program a specific set of buttons such as lights , trim and autopilot disconnect. I have been trying to do this several ways but with no success so far.

There are lots of threads here about this subject. Just peruse some, or search on "PMDG". Also check the "User Contributions" sub-forum.

The main aircraft, 737, 747, 777, are all provided with a complete set of controls, documented only in the aircraft's SDK (the list is at the end of the file of type ".h").  You need to compute the custom control number ("event") from that document then assign in FSUIPC using <custom control>.

I don't have or use any PMDG aircraft so I can't help with specifics. And as it's really more of a PMDG support matter, you might get more assistance over in a PMDG-centred forum.

Oh, and this system in not specific to the P3D4 versions and FSUIPC5, it also applies to FSX/P3D3 and FSUIPC4.



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1 hour ago, WILLBER said:

Hi, im relatively new to using fsuipc with the programming of buttons with in the sim to the PMDG Aircraft. Im looking to program a specific set of buttons such as lights , trim and autopilot disconnect. I have been trying to do this several ways but with no success so far. The best I have got is getting the strobe lights to go on but I can not get them to go off again. Now Im getting to the point of frustration and needing help in doing this.

Just wanna find the best way to do this.


You could also try LINDA which provides a full set of modules for PMDG aircraft with easy to use functions to operate most switches and knobs.

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