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Career Mode?


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  • 4 weeks later...

to expand on that Vic maybe look into splitting some of the bigger airports into multiple sections. Like LAX with tower north and south. by doing that you could also open up multiplayer up to more than two people. I do see that might cause a lot of work on the game engine itself.

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I'm not sure what a "Career" mode means. Tower 3d pro handles the simulation of ATC fairly well. I'm not interested in a sim that's a "Job simulation". Perhaps I misunderstand the meaning of career mode. I would rather see more detail placed on the realism of the actual sim. Better graphics, better voice, more realistic aircraft actions, sounds, and AI. If career mode means interfacing with human resources on the job, or browsing through options you have to purchase with some kind of currency throughout the game, or tracking airport income, number of customers, etc, I'm just not interested in that.

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I see career mode as starting at a basic airport and gaining the skills and certification before being able to advance to the next level like a real atc,  thats just my take on it,  that gives structure and goals rather than just a sandbox environment



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