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Tower!3D Pro - KLAS Terminal_E Issues


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I just ran a session at KLAS and noticed I was not getting any arrivals at Terminal E. As best as I can tell, there are 14 gates assigned to Terminal_E. 

I started  my session at 19:00, and noticed just a few planes at Terminal E. Looking at the log ASA621 was at E5, VRD483 at E10, and VRD919 at E13. Theoretically, that leaves 11 gates available.

However, every arrival that was to park at Terminal_E got a no free terminal message:
At 18:49, BAW275 a 744 failed to arrive because of a no free terminal message.
At 18:54, WJA1352 a 73H got a no free terminal message.
At 19:01, ASA620 a 73W got a no free terminal message.
At 19:35, WJA756 as 73W got a no free terminal message.

There are obviously open gates, so there must be something in the way that these gates are defined (?possibly termlimit?) that is keeping them from being used.

 I'm hoping this is an easy fix and can be added to the SP for KLAS. Thanks!



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Just to be sure, I have confirmed that no Terminal_E gates will accept arriving aircraft. I created a simple schedule that included 14 VRD flights and none of them ever arrived. Again I believe this is tied to the direction parameter I mentioned in the KJFK thread -  http://forum.simflight.com/topic/84614-tower3d-pro-kjfk-terminal_4-arrival-issues/.

I've attached my log file in case it is needed.



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Hey FeelThere,

Now that the latest game SP has been released and subsequently hot fixed and when you get back from your vacation next week can you please fix the KLAS Terminal E issue and renumber the runways and release the SP to correct this major problem on this airport as it really is annoying now! :-)



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