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WideClient window turns black when connected

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I have a problem on my two systems. Maybe it's related to graphics driver but it's strange because I didn't modify the settings.

I use WideClient with buttons facility. When WideClient starts, the buttons are all grey without text, so it's OK. As soon it's connected to the server, the window turns black until I move or redimension the window and the buttons reappear.

One client is on Windows 7 64 bits with 385.41 nvidia driver. I update the graphic driver to see and with the last 390.77 it's the same problem.

On the other system, it runs on Windows 10 64 bits. I've to check the driver version but I think it's the last one.

Everything was working fine before. But before what I don't know.




********* WideClient Log [version 6.999z4] Class=FS98MAIN *********
Date (dmy): 25/02/18, Time 16:33:50.924: Client name is PC-SUPERVISION
      765 c:\program files (x86)\maarten boelens\simlauncherx
      765 C:\Program Files (x86)\Maarten Boelens\SimLauncherX\SimLauncherX.exe
      780 LUA: "D:\Outils P3D\WideClient\Initial.LUA": not found
      796 Attempting to connect now
      796 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast
      796 Failed to connect: waiting to try again
     1857 Attempting to connect now
    23869 Trying to locate server: Need details from Server Broadcast
   152944 Server = PC-VISU
   152944 Trying TCP/IP host "PC-VISU" port 8002 ...
   152944 ... Okay, IP Address =
   152944 Connection made okay!
   153287 c:\program files\flyingwsimulation\supertrafficboard client v4 for prepar3d-v4
   153287 C:\Program Files\FlyingWSimulation\SuperTrafficBoard Client V4 for Prepar3D-V4\TrafficBoardFrontEnd.exe


Run1=C:\Program Files (x86)\Maarten Boelens\SimLauncherX\SimLauncherX.exe
Run1=C:\Program Files\TeamSpeak 3 Client\ts3client_win64.exe
RunReady1=C:\Program Files\FlyingWSimulation\SuperTrafficBoard Client V4 for Prepar3D-V4\TrafficBoardFrontEnd.exe


Path=C:\SIMULATEUR\Wide Client\Sound\
Device1=Périphérique audio principal
Device2=Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Device3=Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)


Colour0=170,170,170 // Gris (Couleur boutons par défaut)
Colour1=0,166,255 // Bleu ciel 
Colour2=0,255,72 // Vert pour bouton Toggle OFF
Colour3=255,217,0 // Jaune pour bouton Toggle ON
Colour7=0,211,253 // Couleur des titres
Colour8=255,15,15 // Rouge
Colour9=0,0,0     // Noir

Title6="JOUR / HEURE"

===========PAGE 1 MENU PRINCIPAL==========
2=5G48a" "
3=5G64a"Conditions Météo"
4=5G80a" "
6=5G112a" "                    
7=5G128a" "                 
8=B"SESSION\rDémarrage"       ; 64 0
9=B"SESSION\rFin"             ; 64 1
10=T"PAUSE"                   ; 64 2
11=B"CAPTURE\rECRAN"          ; 64 3
12=B"PISTES 31\rEN SERVICE"   ; 64 4
13=B"PISTES 13\rEN SERVICE"   ; 64 5
14=B"RETOUR\rAU DEPART"       ; 64 6
15=8Ba"Quitter\rSimulateur"   ; 64 7

==========PAGE 2 DEPLACEMENT=========
16=B"Tourner\rà Gauche"       ; 64 8
17=B"En Avant"                ; 64 9
18=B"Tourner\rà Droite"       ; 64 10
19=9B" "                      ; 64 11
20=B"A Gauche"                ; 64 12
21=B"STOP"                    ; 64 13
22=B"A Droite"                ; 64 14
23=9B" "                      ; 64 15
24=9B" "                      ; 64 16
25=B"En Arrière"              ; 64 17
26=9B" "                      ; 64 18
27=T"Mode\Déplacement"        ; 64 19
28=9B" "                      ; 64 20
29=9B" "                      ; 64 21
30=9B" "                      ; 64 22

===========PAGE 3 DENSITE TRAFIC===========
32=B"Trafic\r0%"              ; 64 23
33=B"Trafic\r5%"              ; 64 24
34=B"Trafic\r10%"             ; 64 25
35=B"Trafic\r15%"             ; 64 26
36=B"Trafic\r20%"             ; 64 27
37=B"Trafic\r25%"             ; 64 28
38=B"Trafic\r30%"             ; 64 29
39=B"Trafic\r35%"             ; 64 30
40=B"Trafic\r40%"             ; 64 31
41=B"Trafic\r50%"             ; 65 0 
42=B"Trafic\r60%"             ; 65 1
43=B"Trafic\r70%"             ; 65 2
44=B"Trafic\r80%"             ; 65 3
45=B"Trafic\r90%"             ; 65 4
46=B"Trafic\r100%"            ; 65 5

===========PAGE 4 SITUATIONS DE DEPART ===========
48=9B" "                      ; 65 6
49=9B" "                      ; 65 7
50=9B" "                      ; 65 8
51=9B" "                      ; 65 9
52=9B" "                      ; 65 10
53=9B" "                      ; 65 11
54=9B" "                      ; 65 12
55=9B" "                      ; 65 13
56=9B" "                      ; 65 14
57=9B" "                      ; 65 15
58=9B" "                      ; 65 16
59=9B" "                      ; 65 17
60=9B" "                      ; 65 18
61=9B" "                      ; 65 19
62=9B" "                      ; 65 20

===========PAGE 5 CONDITIONS METEO ===========
64=B"VIBILITE\r50m"           ; 65 21
65=B"VIBILITE\r200m"          ; 65 22
66=B"VIBILITE\r500m"          ; 65 23
67=B"VIBILITE\r1000m"         ; 65 24
68=B"VIBILITE\r2000m"         ; 65 25
69=B"VIBILITE\r4000m"         ; 65 26
70=B"VIBILITE\r8000m"         ; 65 27
71=B"VIBILITE\r16000m"        ; 65 28
72=9B" "                      ; 65 29
73=9B" "                      ; 65 30
74=9B" "                      ; 65 31
75=9B" "                      ; 66  0
76=B"Couverture\rNuageuse 2/8"; 66 1
77=B"Couverture\rNuageuse 4/8"; 66 2
78=B"Couverture\rNuageuse 6/8"; 66 3

===========PAGE 6 JOUR SEMAINE / HEURE ===========
80=9B" "         ; 66 4
81=9B" "   ; 66 5
82=9B" "   ; 66 6
83=9B" "          ; 66 7
84=9B" "          ; 66 8
85=9B" "                      ; 66 9
86=9B" "                      ; 66 10
87=9B" "                      ; 66 11
88=6B" "                   ; 66 12
89=6B" "                   ; 66 13
90=6B" "                ; 66 14
91=6B" "                   ; 66 15
92=6B" "                ; 66 16
93=6B" "                  ; 66 17
94=6B" "                ; 66 18

===========PAGE 7 OPTIONS ===========
96=T"SOUND\rON/OFF"           ; 66 19
97=9B" "
98=9B" "
99=9B" "
100=9B" "
101=9B" "
102=9B" "
103=9B" "
104=9B" "
105=9B" "
106=9B" "
107=9B" "
108=9B" "
109=9B" "
110=9B" "

===========PAGE 8 RESERVE ===========
112=9B" "
113=9B" "
114=9B" "
115=9B" "
116=9B" "
117=9B" "
118=9B" "
119=9B" "
120=9B" "
121=9B" "
122=9B" "
123=9B" "
124=9B" "
125=9B" "
126=9B" "

===========PAGE 9 RESERVE ===========
128=9B" "
129=9B" "
130=9B" "
131=9B" "
132=9B" "
133=9B" "
134=9B" "
135=9B" "
136=9B" "
137=9B" "
138=9B" "
139=9B" "
140=9B" "
141=9B" "
142=9B" "



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I get the same here on occasion. I'm pretty sure it's due to some Windows or driver updates. It's okay on my older Win7 Client PCs (I have a 7 PC cockpit system). I have two small touch-screens either side of the cockpit, one for the Captain the other for the 2nd Officer.

Sometimes it's not all black, just a few of the button rectagles appear. As you say, it is always okay when forces to repaint, e.g. by just moving the border in or out a little and returning it.

I've not had reports of others seeing this before, but now you have I'll take a look and see if there's something I can do to correct it. Maybe a forced re-paint a second or so after connection.



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3 minutes ago, Michel Merle said:

I just tried and it's the same thing still having to touch a button, change dimension...

Strange. It is fine here, 100% of the time. The Window is completely now invalidated so that the Pain call redraws it all, same as when you change a dimension.



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1 hour ago, Michel Merle said:

I can see window blinking while it's trying to connect to P3D. It does that 3 times then ...

That's very strange. Is it having difficulties connecting? In all my cases it simply connects. Perhaps you'd better show me your Wideclient and WideServer log files.



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On 3/4/2018 at 11:29 AM, Michel Merle said:

No, it takes some seconds (3-4s) once P3D is active to connect. I don't see the blinking every time, just once that makes me think it was too soon to redraw.

The logs look fine.

I'll look at putting a delay in.  But currently it invalidates when connected, and the log does show only one actual "connected". It won't be doing anything on the "tries".

You might be better off using the ServerName or ServerIPAddr, along with Protocol, in the WideClient.INI.


After trying all sorts of more "normal" Windows re-painting methods (delays didn't help), I cannot find a way to make it draw correctly 100% of the time. Here it only draws some of the buttons initially, but only about 10% of the time -- else it is perfect.

I don't understand why. Here I never have any problem on two older mini-PCs using motherboard video, it was only reproducible on occasion on a couple of up to date PCs using recent nVidia drivers. And the Button Screen module hasn't been changed since June 2015 (by the date on the source file).

I'll keep looking.




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On 3/4/2018 at 12:08 PM, Pete Dowson said:

I'll keep looking.

After many experiments, Ive come to the conclusion that the bad drawing is somehow a result of the user colour settings. I can't get it to go wrong if I leave them all to default (it then just doesn't look how i want it to look).

So, just as a test could you try with these lines removed (or commented out by a ; in front):

Colour0=170,170,170 // Gris (Couleur boutons par défaut)
Colour1=0,166,255 // Bleu ciel 
Colour2=0,255,72 // Vert pour bouton Toggle OFF
Colour3=255,217,0 // Jaune pour bouton Toggle ON
Colour7=0,211,253 // Couleur des titres
Colour8=255,15,15 // Rouge
Colour9=0,0,0     // Noir
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I've moved all the colour initialisations to a separate function first called as soon as the Window is created, but without waiting to process any Windows messages. Before it was only performed on the Windows "Size" message, which is always actually received when the window is created but I suspect there's something else going on there as well.

It now seems to work 100% of the time here. Please do try it: WideClient7140.zip

I've also added a new parameter for the [ButtonScreen] section of the INI. It will remain undocumneted for now, because it really isn't wanted usually. It is


This makes the button screen draw as soon as you start WideClient, rather than wait for the connection to the Sim as it usually does.

Please let me know how you get on.




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