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International V domestic flight


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For you clever simmers out there,

How is the best way to handle International flights that depart a different terminal to domestics by the same operator. e.g. UAL, AAL etc. international flight arrive & depart form different terminals, at some airports. e.g SFO. In Tower 2011 I handled this by assigning different IATA & ICAO codes to them i.e. United became UAH & UH for int. flights & terminal assignment UAH Etc. This worked fine. There was No RC involved so no problem there. Has anybody tried this in 3DPro? How does it handle two different ICAO/IATA codes in the airlines.txt file/ I think it will not be a problem. also the same of the terminal.txt file. BUT, what about the real colour files. It looks like the airplanes_texpackX.manifiest file can be amended OK but what about the airplanes_texpackX file. This is not easy to amend.

Has anybody tried it as it would add another degree or realism to the  sim. The same applies to operators of both cargo & Pax aircraft into the same airport.

Kev M


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