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Cannot get Wide FS connected

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after many days of thinking to write you about this problem (which I have read everything about) I decided to do it.

Like I said, I have read manuals, forums, external sources, etc but still cannot make the Wide FS work and yes, I have both FSUIPC4 and Wide FS registered.

I feel that I am close to get it but still I am missing something.

Please see the attached error log.

I would appreciate your help.



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26 minutes ago, hectorp said:

Please see the attached error log.

The WideClient log only gives halft the story. There are two ends to a connection -- the WideServer.LOg is needed too (in the Sim's Modules folder).

The error is

   6942 Trying TCP/IP host "DESKTOP-ICKRQAV" port 8002 ...
   6942 Error on client gethostbyname() [Error=11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type

In other words, Windows doesn't appear to like that name.  I thought the max size of a computer name was 12 characters, but you have 15. Maybe that is okay on the Server version of Windows but not on the Client Windows? Are they different Windows versions?

The best thing to try, as advised in the WideFS User Guide - see Page 4, and in particular the parts about the ServerName, Protocol, and ServerIPAddr parameters. Try using the IP address as I have the above doubts about the name. You must specify the protocol too (TCP, or UDP which is more efficient if the order of data exchanges isn't important).




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