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Dear Folks,

We just quietly a SP for KJFK.
We fixed lots of spinner gates, some fixes for better road calculation and added GA to the airport.

As usual; existing customers can re-download the product and it's automatically updated on Steam. 3rd party partners will be notified soon.

Thank you




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It would be helpful for reference if you would include the filename and or SP version in your announcement.  Since this downloads KJFK_for_Tower3D_4.2a and not named an SP like other service packs so we know not to be looking for an SP.


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Yeah, I've just checked my emailed link, and the filename (right at this moment) is RC_Tower3D_KJFK_sp2.exe, which is the same as my existing download from 10 days ago.


EDIT: Wrong file see posts below

Edited by jumpjet777
Factual error
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The command XXX hold short of taxiway A doesn't work for AC taxiing from parking postions on LA. I also think it happend to me more to the left (M and MA) as well. And the push back at terminal 2 still causes twists and turns ...

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Anyone else notice that there are no JetBlues taxiing onto the ramp parraell to taxiway A at JFK? Just played for 2 hours and had departures from that ramp but no arrivals.

Also the other thing i have noticed during that game is that aircraft won't refuse a runway due to it being too short until you give them clearance to takeoff.

Previously you would get it when you gave the taxi instructions had an A380 accept taxi instruction to runway 31L @ KE, It accepted line up and wait instruction and only when i gave it takeoff clearance did i get the runway is too short reply.

Terminal 2 and 3 have severe pushback issues where planes would pushback ask for taxi clearance and then as soon as you give them it they would pushback in circles and continually do this. All gates on the MA alleyway

This seriously impacted arrivals and departures as JFK was more like PHL in terms of flights

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