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Custom KBOS Schedule!! Based on real traffic!


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the last couple of weeks I was busy building my first own schedule for Boston. The schedule is completely based on traffic from March 23. 2018! Every flight number should be correct and has been used on that day in reality! It has over 1250 flights in it and has some quite busy hours. Especially the GA traffic got way busier in my schedule. You need to be a good controller to handle the amount of small GA planes taxiing around the airport while you have big jets that want to go all around the world! 

I have included snippet files as well that start from 6am and go until 22pm. This helps to prevent the no free terminal issues. So if you want to play one of the busy hours (like 3pm) I recommend you to use those ,,snippets". 

This is my first own schedule and there might be some small problems here and there, just get back to me as soon as you find a mistake in the schedule and I will change it.

But enough words, have fun, enjoy and have a good day in the tower hopefully without any crashes 😉



Custom KBOS Schedule (Jonas).ods

Version Number 1.2 


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