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FS Time

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Think I got name right..been out a long time but anyway...I have tried to get it to autolaunch with fsuipc in (programs in .ini)  etc but I must be doing something wrong? I am using p3dv4.3 and fsuipc 5.122..I think lol..on tablet outside and thought I would shoot a note..

Warmest regards..maybe Pete's not on Holiday or maybe he is..since p3dv4.3 has been released...

Bob M.

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3 hours ago, unc1rlm said:

Think I got name right..been out a long time but anyway...I have tried to get it to autolaunch with fsuipc in (programs in .ini)  etc but I must be doing something wrong? I am using p3dv4.3 and fsuipc 5.122..I think lol..on tablet outside and thought I would shoot a note..

I can't help unless you shpw me what you've tried to do, and what the name of the program is. If you don't know the name of it then perhaps that's why the incorrect entry isn't working.

Always check the FSUIPC log file, because that is where any errors will be reported.

3 hours ago, unc1rlm said:

maybe Pete's not on Holiday or maybe he is..since p3dv4.3 has been released...

But for some reason you are using 5.122 when 5.131 and even 5.131a have been available for quite a while, and 5.132 was released to coincide with P3D4.3. You need to keep your FSUIPC up to date.



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Thank you Sir.....out on the porch with my tablet...having a totally senior moment..

It is FS Time..which I ditched and updated  to the  latest fsuipc download And a new time program.Simelite Timezone Fixer and will give it a go.

Thanks Pete...


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1 hour ago, unc1rlm said:

It is FS Time..which I ditched and updated  to the  latest fsuipc download And a new time program.Simelite Timezone Fixer and will give it a go.

I don't know FS Time. I used to use "FSRealime", but not for a long time. FSUIPC has a built-in time synchroniser facility.

Without seeing what you tried to do in [Programs] I can't help in any case.



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Thanks Pete. I guess it is FS Realtime. I was trying to launch it with fsuipc by using the run command and pointing to the exe in the program directory so it would launch with p3dv4.3 but obviously my command in the (program section) which you have to add to the ini since it's not there..what I have read anyway...that's my hang up...lol

Maybe you could copy and paste a piece of what this ini should look like in the program section and I can paste with the correct wording of the exe for FS Real Time... Maybe I can use this to launch some other stuff if I need too.

Thank you,


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4 hours ago, unc1rlm said:

I was trying to launch it with fsuipc by using the run command and pointing to the exe in the program directory so it would launch with p3dv4.3 but obviously my command in the (program section) which you have to add to the ini since it's not there..what I have read anyway...that's my hang up.

Without seeing what you tried, i can't say what you did wrong!

4 hours ago, unc1rlm said:

Maybe you could copy and paste a piece of what this ini should look like in the program section and I can paste with the correct wording of the exe for FS Real Time

It doesn't work like that. the entry could be as simple as


for "MyProgram.exe" in folder c:\

But nothing is ever that simple!  You need ot post what you tried then i can interact with you to get it right!



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Thanks Pete....this is what I have in the ini...something is not right. I have been reading and something has changed and no longer required but here it is and still no go.

1=Run1="C:\Program Files (x86)\FS Real Time\FSRealTime.exe"


Bob M.



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2 hours ago, unc1rlm said:

his is what I have in the ini...something is not right. I have been reading and something has changed and no longer required but here it is and still no go.

1=Run1="C:\Program Files (x86)\FS Real Time\FSRealTime.exe"

Where did you get "1=Run1= ..." from?

Please refer to the section in the Advanced User's Guide entitled
Programs: facilities to load and run additional programs
where you will see the format. The parameters are named "RunN", or RunIFN", not "1=RunN", when N runs from 1 to 16, separately, in each case.



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