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Profile for CH yoke Eclipse

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Hello !

I really need "FSUIPC for dummies"  😁

So, I have FSUIPC5 (since today) and P3D v4.3

Is there any file as proflile to import for CH yoke Eclipse ?

I try to make axis assigments but it does not work really well !

Maybe I have to delete all axis assigments in P3D before working in FSUIPC ?????

Thanks by advance !


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2 hours ago, Big Michel said:

So, I have FSUIPC5 (since today) and P3D v4.3

Is there any file as proflile to import for CH yoke Eclipse ?

No. How could there be? Everyone has different needs, different s for performance and response, which would liker ly vary according to aircraft type in any case.

2 hours ago, Big Michel said:

I try to make axis assigments but it does not work really well !

Maybe I have to delete all axis assigments in P3D before working in FSUIPC ?????

You don't need to delete anything. Just DISABLE controllers in P3D altogether. You cannot make assignments to buttons or axes in both. They will conflict.

You also need to be clear WHY it is you want to assign in FSUIPC. Do you want the Yoke to behave differently for different aircraft? If that's all you want, you do NOT need to assign in FSUIPC. Just assign in P3D and calibrate in FSUIPC. Same if you merely want better calibration, or to adjust the response.

The main reasons for assigning in FSUIPC are:
1)  you want to assign to functions not directly offered in P3D, and/or
2) you have two different sets of controls -- eg joystick for fighters and Airbuses, yoke for other aircraft., and you want the appropriate controls to be activated when you load the relevant aircraft.



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