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Exclude reversers on TQ6 Throttle configure P3Dv4 Lear 45

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Hi Peter.

I'd guess this has been asked and answered before more than once.  I am running the Lear45 on P3Dv4 on a Win10 box with the latest FSUIPC.  I have assigned Throttle1 and Throttle2 axes for calibration in FSUIPC and they work fine except the reversers are engaging when the throttles are lowered beyond a certain point.  I want the engines to be at idle when the throttle levers are in their lowest position and not engage the reversers, which I want to handle separately.      

Can you please give me a hand or point me in the right direction?  I could not find a solution in the documentation, though it may be there.  Thank you.

Regards, Bruce Berg


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4 hours ago, binto100 said:

I have assigned Throttle1 and Throttle2 axes for calibration in FSUIPC and they work fine except the reversers are engaging when the throttles are lowered beyond a certain point.  I want the engines to be at idle when the throttle levers are in their lowest position and not engage the reversers, which I want to handle separately.

Check the option for no reverse zone on the Thottles calibration tab!.



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