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Error in MakeRwys.exe?

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Hello, Pete.
You might be interested. I just found that MakeRwys.exe  write four hexadecimal values (close to each other) in Runways.txt file only when this scenery is set:


Here's what it looks like:


I tested it twice: including re-downloading the scenery from the home site and installing it into the virtual system.

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On 1/4/2019 at 6:50 PM, Dmitry K said:

You might be interested. I just found that MakeRwys.exe  write four hexadecimal values (close to each other) in Runways.txt file only when this scenery is set:


Here's what it looks like:

That looks like the result of a couple of overlong or improperly terminated Taxiway names. The Runways.txt file is oanly a log of the processing being performed.  Are the end results okay?  check the T5.csv file in the CYYJ entries.

If you send me the BGL (only) responsible (as logged in the header to the section your showed) I can see if it an error in the BGL or some condition that MakeRwys should deal with. Send ZIPPed up to petedowson@btconnect.com.




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Hi Pete. Thanks for your response.
As far as I can see, the CYYJ entries in T5.csv file looks good.
Runways.txt file is used by another utility, FSFlyingSchool (FSFS), when building its own runway database, but it reported an error while processing Runways.txt. So I found these strange-looking lines, as in the screenshot above. I applied a workaround, deleted these corrupted lines, and the result completely satisfied me, FSFS worked without errors.
I send the bgl-file to the specified address.


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Hi Pete.
I just noticed you released a new version of the MakeRwys, in which the situation discussed here was fixed.
Thank you very much for your work and support.
Good luck to you and yours!



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