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No cockpit, CALL! or button sounds


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I just recently purchased the EJETs and the aircraft worked fine. A few days ago my PC crashed and now I don't hear any sounds from CALL!, apu, buttons etc. Need some assistance. I have uninstalled and reinstalled and still an issue. My ERJs sound have also gone out as well. Thanks. 

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23 hours ago, scoobflight said:

Likely the repair wasn't complete and components are not in place. I suggest you back up data, wipe the drive and start fresh.

After doing some digging the no sound issue is only with the ERJs, Ejets and Captain Sim 757. Why is that? My PMDG, TFDI, Aersoft and Majestic work fine. However, CS has posted a fix for this known issue but it has not solved my issue with the CS 757.  

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