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What version of FSUIPC are you using? Which Flight Sim (FS)? Could you also post your ini file, one before you try to assign (or before you start the sim) and the one after you have done the changes.

When you say " It is as if there is no INI file", what do you mean? Basically no ini file means no assignments. Is this a new FSUIPC installation? If so, maybe there were permission problems, so if this is the case then please also post you install log.



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Yes, it should be in the module folder. Please check that you have set Explorer to show 'hidden' files.

If you still can't see them, it may be due to this error in your install log:
        Attempt to set the ACL entries for Modules access permissions failed, error = 1332

To resolve this error, please see this post. Once resolved (access permissions corrected on  modules folder), you should re-run the installer to verify that the error is no longer present.

Alternatively, you can run P3D as administrator (and also set the exe to be always ran as administrator by write clicking and changing the file' properties).




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