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Voice recognition


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Did you realise you made the same post an hour later?

Anyway, was there any change in terms of your Windows OS between the voice working and it now not working properly?

When you ran the voice training wizard, did you complete it all?

Is there anything from the usual thread which you have missed?


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Did it worked before?

Have you changed Windows sound settings or installed additional sound related software?

Is it possible, that the game sound and your voice are transmitted on the same channel?

Do you use speakers, so game sound or other noises are picked up by your microphone?

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5 minutes ago, EliGrim said:

Did it worked before?

Have you changed Windows sound settings or installed additional sound related software?

Is it possible, that the game sound and your voice are transmitted on the same channel?

Do you use speakers, so game sound or other noises are picked up by your microphone?

no It has never worked an it’s on English an my voice packs are updated 

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12 minutes ago, Braf123456 said:



If the game is paused, the only voice related thing that changes is (to my knowledge) the game sound. Are you sure, if it workes while the game is paused, your microphone is not picking up any game sound?

If you use windows, please let the game run, go to your Desktop, right-click on the speaker icon in the bottom-right part of the screen and choose Sounds, then Recording and check if the volume meter for your microphone indicates a sound. If that's the case, there's something wrong with the sound settings. If not, then I have no clue.

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