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Max Number of Mouse Macros Question

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Hi Pete:

A couple of days ago I was Creating some mouse Macros for the Captain Sim 757 and at some point when I tried to assign a button I noticed that the Macro I just created did not appear in the list when trying to assign a button to it, at first I thought that it was due to maybe forgetting to press End macro making so I tried again and sure enough it was not on the list again and to my horror while looking closer at the list I realized all my PMDG 737 Mouse Macros were gone  😞 then when looking at the FSUIPC INI I think it was I saw an error that said that the maximum number of mouse macros was reached I think it said something like 127 or so is there a way of increasing this to like at least 200 changing a line somewhere?

Also I'm trying to figure this out

In this case let Says I Create a moue macro called XXXX Overhead Panel lets say and then I click on 57 switches in the overhead and then I end macro making is all this count as one

Macro or 57? I'm afraid is 57 butbwanted to ask to  be sure.


For me is important because i have a generic overhead panel that I made that I use with the PMDG 737, Majestic Q400, QW 787, and CS 757 not to mention 

other Macros in this  and other aircraft not in the Overhead panel as you see I need lots of Macros what can I do to be able to acomodate all ?









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Hi Jose,

that would count as one macro, not 57. The limit of 127 is on the number of macro files. Each macro file can have up to 2000 'numbered parameters'. So, if there is only one action per number, that would be up to 2000 actions per macro file.



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