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Help requested with button adjusting flux gate heading

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I have registered FSUIPC, using FSX-SE, and the add-on aircraft Accu-Sim B-17G Flying Fortress.

This seems so simple, yet I'm pulling my hair out at this point. I want to adjust the flux compass (AP) heading using two buttons (one INC, one DEC). I've found numerous references to [HEADING BUG INC 65879] and [HEADING BUG DEC 65880], which do work to change the C-1 autopilot heading, but do not adjust the compass itself. I've also found references to "AP Heading, 07CC 2 Autopilot heading value, as degrees*65536/360", but I haven't been able to get that to work with two buttons.

I'm probably stumbling right past the answer, but, for now, any help will be appreciated.



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39 minutes ago, Masterius said:

This seems so simple, yet I'm pulling my hair out at this point. I want to adjust the flux compass (AP) heading using two buttons (one INC, one DEC). I've found numerous references to [HEADING BUG INC 65879] and [HEADING BUG DEC 65880], which do work to change the C-1 autopilot heading, but do not adjust the compass itself.

Sorry, not sure what you mean. What compass adjustment? What's a "flux gate"?

If you can do this adjustnmet on screen, in your cockpit display, then just enable FSUIPC event logging (in the Logging tab), then do it on screen, and check the FSUIPC log file to see what controls it logged for this, if any. If it is just a display function with no internal system then it may not use any controls, but just be something local to that gauge.

Or perhaps these two controls would be what you are looking for?



If something you want isn't easily found by scrolling down the drop-down assignmewnt lists, try searching in the List of Controls documents provided in the FSUIPC Documents sub-folder. I found the above two by searching it for "Compass".

There's also



i'm not sure what that does without trying it.

40 minutes ago, Masterius said:

I've also found references to "AP Heading, 07CC 2 Autopilot heading value, as degrees*65536/360", but I haven't been able to get that to work with two buttons.

That is the heading readout, and it can be written. That's to set an AP heading directly, not by INCs and DECs.  To INC and DEC it you either use the controls your already found for this, or you need to read the value first, increment it or descrement it, then write it back. You'd need a program or Lua plug-in to do that, and there's no point when controls are supplied to do just that.

The control HEADING BUG SET does the same as writing to the offset.

But it sounds like it isn't the AP heading bug you are interested in.





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45 minutes ago, Pete Dowson said:

Sorry, not sure what you mean. What compass adjustment? What's a "flux gate"?



That is the instrument in question, and the knob that adjusts the heading.

1 hour ago, Pete Dowson said:

Or perhaps these two controls would be what you are looking for?



Tried them ; didn't work. Or, at least, didn't work how I tried using them (as macros).


1 hour ago, Pete Dowson said:

If something you want isn't easily found by scrolling down the drop-down assignmewnt lists, try searching in the List of Controls documents provided in the FSUIPC Documents sub-folder. I found the above two by searching it for "Compass".

I really do try and make use of the 14 or so documents that you've provided. It's rather rude and disrespectful to you if I don't take advantage of the large amount of documentation and instructions you've provided.


Thanks again for such a rapid, and insightful, reply. I'll keep on working at this.



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I've used "List Local Panel Vars" quite a bit, but didn't think to try Event Logging. It looks as if it might be [VOR1_OBI]. Going to experiment with that now.


Update: VOR1_OBI worked!

Edited by Masterius
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11 hours ago, Masterius said:

Update: VOR1_OBI worked!

From your picture I see you mean the VOR and NDB heading, not the AP heading nor the compass heading! Sorry,  I would have immediately told you "OBI" if you had been just a little clearer. I've never heard it called "flux gate", sorry. Anyway, glad you found the solution.




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