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Tracon!2012 Crashing


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I just purchased Tracon!2012 and installed it on my laptop with one screen. I have been able to run the program once in full screen mode with the resolution set to 1920x1080, but when I next ran the program the menu was so large that the button to start the game was below the bottom border of the window. This seems to be due to my display being set to show fonts at 125%. Setting that to 100% brought the button back into view, but now when I try to start a game the program crashes.

I have a video of my experience below. I have also attached the latest log file in my install directory.

There are two instances when the program crashes: (1) when I click Start on the Tracon menu, and (2) when I click Apply on the Settings menu.

Notice also that the resolutions drop down control shows no resolutions either.

I hope someone can help. Thanks for your consideration.




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