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how to load flightplan created using a planner utility (aka: Customdb) - SOLVED


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But isn't importing a flightplan part of the features of the FT E-Jets and not a MOD? You put the ability to import flightplans but left out the folder during the install. The previous version V2 created a customdb so you could import when you installed it. Why was this left out of V3? I understand you guys are working on fixes but Simbrief and PFPX are popular programs V2 supported. 


Dan M

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I didn't say we will not look into this. However 16 hours after the initial posting it was bumped again and I wanted to reply. We are scanning this and other forums pretty much 20 hours a day (being international has the advance of someone is always up 🙂 ) but we simply don't have the manpower to acknowledge each and every post by "ok got it" then come back again when it moves on our priority list. To stay transparent we posted a known bug list to keep you updated about our findings, but we also said we wont be able to answer all posts.


I hope it makes sense.


Thank you



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1 hour ago, FeelThere said:

Yes it is as you can see we are trying to resolve issues. Currently supporting a mod is not our top priority. We will come back to you once we sorted out the more important issues.


Thanks for your patience

Its not a MOD its part of the FMC importing a flightplan. It worked in the old version im just wondering is it a different file type or format that the FP needs to be saved as. And im not talking about a FS flightplan im talking about native FMC flight-plans that you could save from simbrief in the last version. This is not something anyone els has posted about or I would understand the lack of response.


and I created the CustomDB folder myself and it works just when i tried to load the flight plan it said invalid waypoints. I will double check the airac match and try another route.

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2 minutes ago, Matty260191 said:

Its not a MOD its part of the FMC importing a flightplan. It worked in the old version im just wondering is it a different file type or format that the FP needs to be saved as. And im not talking about a FS flightplan im talking about native FMC flight-plans that you could save from simbrief in the last version. This is not something anyone els has posted about or I would understand the lack of response.


and I created the CustomDB folder myself and it works just when i tried to load the flight plan it said invalid waypoints. I will double check the airac match and try another route.

Vic has noted the issue.  Future updates on the issue will come as time permits.

Can you created and safe a flightplan using the V3 FMC? 

Have you contacted SimBrief and notified them of the problem that their software isn't working with the _new_ version of the Ejets?

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Not sure if that is the same complaint of the OP. But I would like to suggest you to include, in the manual, the procedure to load external flightplans (ex: Simbrief).

In my case, I had to create myself a folder "CustomDB", so I could enter the flight plans there. This folder is not being created by the installer. I only knew this was the solution because I'm a long term v2 user, and used to do this same procedure back then. New users will have a hard time to figure out how to load flight plans, I believe.


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26 minutes ago, antoniointini said:

But that's the point - new users don't have that information in the manual.

I get what your saying. they should add it but it can also be done by loading a plan into he actual sim then import that into the FMC but again not sure if thats in the manual.

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